2020-02-20 10:00:54
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
topic background andmeaningoil shortage, environmentalpollution and climate warming are common challenges facing the globalautomobile industry. new energy vehicles have gradually become the focus of thedevelopment of the automobile industry in the 21st century.[1] in2018, china's annual automobile production and sales reached 2.7809 million and28.081 million respectively, ranking first in the world for ten consecutiveyears.the production of new energy vehicles is also increasing rapidly, with1.27 million and 1.256 million completed, respectively, up 59.9 percent and61.7 percent from the same period last year.among them, the production andsales of 1,527 fuel cell vehicles were completed, including 1,418 fuel cellbuses and 109 fuel cell trucks.[2] it can be seen that despite therapid development of china's automobile industry, the popularity of new energyvehicles has not been very good, especially fuel cell vehicles, with only a fewmore than 1,000 vehicles in the whole year.compared with traditional vehicles,new energy vehicles, especially fuel cell vehicles, are still in their infancyin china and need further improvement and promotion.
some people think that at present,pure electric vehicle technology is developing rapidly and has a range of 100kilometers. is it necessary to further develop fuel cell vehicles?at the sixthchina-south korea automobile industry development seminar, the deputy directorof the state information center explained from the perspective of energydemand.the large-scale development of electric vehicles has a huge demand forlithium, cobalt and other raw materials, and the lack of relevant resources inchina will become a huge risk for subsequent development.[3] at thesame time, the large and long-term storage of hydrogen energy is also one ofthe important reasons for the implementation of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.
vigorously developing new energyvehicles is not only an effective response to energy and environmentalchallenges, but also an inevitable choice for china to achieve sustainabledevelopment of the automotive industry. it is also an important measure toseize strategic opportunities, shorten the gap with advanced countries, andrealize the leap-forward development of the automobile industry.[4]
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
basic content and objectives of research (design)
according to the knownconditions, combined with the actual operating conditions and the relevantnational laws and regulations, correctly select the main size parameters of thedesigned bus.
internal shape and overalllayout design of 10m fuel cell bus
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(1-2) determinethe graduation design topic, improve the graduation design task book (relatedparameters), and collect data inside and outside the school (7-20 weeks of 7thsemester)
(3) projectconception, literature search, completion of the opening report (8th week ofthe first semester)
(4~5) foreignlanguage translation and data collection (8th week, 8th week, 8th week, 8thweek)
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1. cui shengmin. introduction to new energy vehicles -2nd ed. beijing: peking university press, 2015.8
2. zhang dongmei. why must wedevelop fuel cell vehicles? the 6th china-korea automotive symposium tells you[n], china automotive news, 2018-10-19.
3. xu haidong, assistant secretarygeneral of china association of automobile manufacturers. 2018 chineseautomobile market operation and 2019 forecast [j]. automotive, 2019, (2):50-52.
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