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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-11-06 20:24:31  

摘 要








This This paper uses the finite element simulation technology COMSOL to simulate the working principle of using ultrasonic flaw detector, and uses the characteristics of ultrasonic propagation and reflection to study the position and state of cracks and pores in automobile wheel bearings. Using the curve formed by the echo to show the mutual influence of the ultrasonic and the defect, and compared with the existing experimental results, it is found that the results are very similar, proving that the use of COMSOL software finite element simulation for the detection of automobile wheel bearing defects Large application space. At the same time, the following work was done to serve the simulation steps:

(1): The basic components of automobile wheels: flanges, bearings, dust covers and ball cages. Model in SOLIDWORKS, the famous 3D mechanical design software. And draw the three-dimensional view and section view of the bearing and assembly.

(2): Use the finite element force analysis module SIMULATION in the SOLIDWORKS software to perform static and dynamic force analysis, and infer the parts where defects are likely to occur during use.

(3): Import the model into COMSOL software, and take the bearing profile to carry out two-dimensional finite element simulation. For the most efficient calculation, only the outer ring of the bearing will be used for simulation. The material is made of structural steel. The physics uses pressure acoustics (transient), and the ultrasonic formula is expressed as a pressure equation. Add the probe and the air hole to the same vertical line on the pressure surface.

Through calculation, the curve of the probe map can provide feedback on the different sizes and positions of the air holes added in the automobile hub bearing, which provides more accurate information for better understanding of bearing defects. This article is to study single-point ultrasonic transmission and feedback signals, which can be generalized to the design of ultrasonic phased array nondestructive testing.

Keywords: ultrasonic testing; COMSOL finite element software; Defective car hub bearings


摘要 1


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外的研究现状 1

1.3 本章小结 2

第2章 超声波检测介绍 3

2.1 超声波检测概述 3

2.2超声波的分类 3

2.3超声波概述 3

2.4超声检测的基本原理 5

2.5相控阵技术 7

2.6本章小结 8

第3章:汽车轮毂轴承SOLIDWORKS建模 9

3.1 建模 9

3.1.1 轴承套件的建模 9

3.1.2 轴承套的建模 9

3.1.3 法兰盘的建模 10

3.2 本章小结 10

第4章:模型SIMULATION有限元受力分析 11

4.1 SIMULATION简单介绍 11

4.2 外部载荷的施加 11

4.3 网格的划分 11

4.4 仿真结果 12

4.5 本章小结 12

第5章:有限元超声波仿真COMSOL研究 13

5.1 有限元超声波仿真软件COMSOL介绍 13

5.2 超声波有限元仿真的基本过程 13

5.3 有限元模型计算 13

5.3.1 模型的缺陷设计方案 14

5.3.2 材料属性和边界条件 15

5.3.3 超声信号的激励 16

5.3.4 网格参数和时间步长 16

5.3.5 信号的求解和回波图形的采集 17

5.4 有限元超声仿真检测方法的结果 18

5.5 本章小结 19

第七章 总结和展望 20

参考文献 21

附录 23

附录A 图纸 23

致 谢 25

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景和意义

最近二十年中国民族经济迅速发展,汽车保有量也飞速增长,那么对于长时间工作车辆安全性的检测是非常有建设性意义的。汽车的重要零部件之一便是轮毂, 其好坏程度会牵连整个汽车的好坏, 人们对轮毂质量的要求也逐渐提高。汽车承重和精确的转向引导缺少不了轮毂的存在,期间轮毂收到两个载荷的作用:径向载荷和轴向载荷[1,2,3,4]。当汽车轮毂轴承发生严重损坏的情况下,会产生异响,断裂甚至连汽车都停止工作,危害行车的安全[5]。如今,国内大多数轴承的生产厂商在检测这一块,还是采用人工检查的方式,这样不仅效率低下,还容易对轴承造成二次伤害[6]。对于已经安装在汽车上的轴承来说,就需要在检修厂进行线下检测。线下检测在很多情况下很难实现,主要有两个原因:(1)轴承的工作环境不允许对其进行反复拆装,反复拆装会影响其使用寿命;(2)轴承故障发生的不可预知性导致线下检测失去现实意义[7]


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