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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-11-05 19:24:53  















作者签名: 赵炫

2020 年 5 月 21 日



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作者签名: 赵炫 2020 年 5 月 21 日

导师签名: 年 月 日


Automobile energy and environmental issues are the common challenges facing the global auto industry in the 21st century. Accelerating the development of new energy vehicles is the overall trend of the future automobile industry. This paper mainly studies the design and service performance analysis of the inner tank of the fourth-generation hydrogen storage bottle of new energy vehicles. The fourth-generation hydrogen storage bottle is usually composed of a plastic inner liner and a carbon fiber winding layer. It has the characteristics of non-uniformity and anisotropy of the composite material. The overall mechanical properties are very complex. Therefore, it is very important to analyze the structure of the hydrogen storage bottle Theoretical significance and engineering application value.

In this paper, the parameters of the structure of the fourth generation hydrogen storage bottle are designed, including the ellipsoidal ratio of the head section, the thickness of the bottle, the angle of the carbon fiber layup, and the number of layers. The scheme adopted was selected as the circular winding of the barrel section and the spiral winding of the head section, and then the bottle body was modeled and stress analyzed mainly using the ACP function of ANSYS, and the carbon fiber was compared through the static analysis module Various parameters such as angle, thickness, equivalent stress and total strain under layers. And use this feedback to optimize the design of the bottle.The analysis shows that under the working pressure of 30MPa, the maximum stress on the liner appears at the middle position of the head section, while the maximum stress value of the circumferential winding layer appears at the junction position of the barrel section and the head section, spiral winding The maximum stress value of the layer appears in the middle of the head section. Under the bursting pressure of 75MPa, the maximum strain of the liner and fiber layup also appears at the location of the maximum stress. By changing the parameters of the layup, it is concluded that the number of layup layers is 44 layers wound circumferentially, and the overall mechanical properties of the bottle body are the best when spirally wound 30 layers.

Keywords: Hydrogen storage bottle;ANSYS;Winding layer


Chapter 1 Introduction 1

1.1 Overview of new energy vehicle development 1

1.1.1 background of the development of new energy vehicles 2

1.1.2 advantages of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles 3

1.2 current research status of fourth-generation hydrogen storage tanks 4

1.2.1Research status of high pressure hydrogen storage tank abroad 4

1.2.2 Domestic research status of fully wound cylinders 5

1.3 significance of hydrogen storage tank tank research 6

1.3.1 properties of composites themselves 6

1.3.2 engineering application value 7

Chapter 2 research contents and methods 9

2.1 research content 9

2.2 research methods 10

Chapter 3 structure design of hydrogen storage tank 12

3.1 design of lining head section 13

3.2 part design of barrel body 14

3.3 bottle mouth design 14

Chapter 4 finite element analysis and strength calculation of hydrogen storage tank 16

4.1 definition of material properties 16

4.2 mesh division of bottle body 17

4.2.1 comparison of tetrahedral and hexahedral meshes 17

4.2.2 comparison of grid size 19

4.3 carbon fiber material selection 20

4.4 carbon fiber layering design 21

4.4.1 lay material and cross section 23

4.4.2 define the reference direction and layering direction 24

4.4.3 set the Angle of the cladding 26

4.5 static simulation 28

Chapter 5 Conclusion and Prospect 31

5.1 Conclusion 31

5.2 Prospects 31

reference 33

Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Overview of new energy vehicle development

Common new energy vehicles are mainly divided into the following three types: pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. Pure electric vehicles (EV) are powered only by electricity, without which there is no power source. The advantages of pure electric vehicle are simple structure, simple power source, low cost and low noise. The disadvantage lies in the high cost of batteries, the difficulty in recycling waste batteries, the short range of battery, and the distribution of charging piles. Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) is a kind of new energy vehicle between pure electric vehicle and fuel oil vehicle. It has both traditional engine, transmission, transmission system, battery, electric motor and control circuit of pure electric vehicle. The only difference with hybrid cars is that, in addition to using kinetic energy to recharge the battery when the vehicle slows down or taxied, it can also be recharged through an external socket. The advantage of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles is that they can be used as electric vehicles for a short distance of pure electric driving, so the use cost is low. The disadvantage is that the pure electric range is short, the car cost is high, the car price is expensive. Fuel cell vehicle (FCV) is a vehicle powered by the electricity generated by on-board fuel cell devices. It does not burn fuel, but directly converts chemical energy into electric energy by means of electrochemical reaction. Fuel-cell vehicles have the advantages of high efficiency, low noise and no emission of pollutants. The disadvantages are that they are more expensive to sell and maintain than electric vehicles, and they are also expensive to manufacture and use green hydrogen. In 2015, the hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle entered the initial phase of commercialization, with the Toyota Mirai being sold in the United States and Europe and planned to be introduced in China. However, China's fuel cell bus has completed commercial demonstration operation, and various performance indicators have basically met the operational requirements, so it has started to move forward toward industrialization [1].

Figure 1.1 Tesla, the representative brand of new energy vehicles

1.1.1 background of the development of new energy vehicles

With the rapid development of society, the problem of energy and environment is increasingly serious. How to realize energy conservation and environmental protection has become a difficult problem that the automobile industry must face. In the past decade, the pure electric vehicle, hybrid electric vehicle and fuel cell vehicle and their related parts and components have been greatly developed, and the world's automobile industry is undergoing the transformation and upgrading from the traditional fuel vehicle to the future hydrogen fuel cell vehicle. The Chinese government always attaches great importance to the development of new energy vehicles, have issued a lot of relevant supporting policies, on September 17, 2013, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the National Development and Reform Commission issued "about to continue developing promotion of new energy automobile application notice, this round of subsidies policy priorities presented the following features: subsidies cities will show significant regional characteristics; Breaking down local protectionist barriers; Subsidies for all-electric cars exceeded expectations; Plug-in hybrid subsidies declined; New-energy passenger cars are subsidized with mileage. In 2018, the subsidy policy subdivided the subsidy standard for pure electric passenger vehicles, and raised the minimum range to 150 kilometers, while requiring higher energy density for power batteries. Things are always relative, and the subsidy policy is also a double-edged sword. While promoting the development of new energy automobile industry, it also brings more challenges to enterprises. In 2019, due to the decline of subsidies, the production and sales growth of new energy vehicles slowed sharply, and the over-reliance of the core market on policy was highlighted. Due to the market impact caused by the decline, consumer demand became more rational, so the strength of the product itself became the key to influencing consumer decisions. Of course, the long-term trend of the development of new energy vehicles will not change. China has the world's largest new energy vehicle market, and the layout of traditional car companies has also entered the outbreak stage. In addition, the ministry of industry and information technology indicated that the subsidies for new energy vehicles will not decline further in 2020. It is hoped that industrial enterprises should strengthen their confidence in development, step up innovation, improve product quality, and strengthen market development, so as to jointly promote the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry.

1.1.2 advantages of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicle (FCV) is a widely recognized hydrogen energy industry application. Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles are complementary to pure electric vehicles because, compared with ordinary electric vehicles, it takes only three to five minutes for a hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle to refuel, while it takes several hours for an electric vehicle to be recharged. Even the rapid charging technology takes more than half an hour. At the same time, hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is a real sense of zero emissions and zero pollution, its working principle is to air and hydrogen in the high-pressure hydrogen storage tank into the fuel cell stack (FC stack), through the chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to generate electricity and water, electricity to the motor, water out of the car. In addition, the hydrogen fuel cell vehicle has the advantages of long battery life and good performance at low temperature. The fuel cell is essentially a generator and there is no battery attenuation problem. Generally speaking, the fuel cell of passenger car requires a working time of more than 5000h. Based on the average driving time of 2 hours per day, the fuel cell can work for 7 years, which is basically the same as the engine life of the fuel car. The low temperature performance of the fuel cell is also very good, because the chemical reaction will exothermic, the stack temperature will soon be stable in the operating temperature range of 80-90℃ after the battery is started, and its cold starting temperature can reach -30℃, which can meet the needs of most parts of the world. Despite all these advantages, the development of hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles has been slow, mainly because of technical difficulties, the high cost of producing hydrogen and the inconvenience of using it. The difficulties in technology ramp;d are mainly due to the difficulty in ramp;d of two core components, one is the high-pressure hydrogen storage bottle, the other is the key technologies of the battery, such as proton exchange membrane, platinum catalyst and bipolar plate.

1.2 current research status of fourth-generation hydrogen storage tanks

1.2.1Research status of high pressure hydrogen storage tank abroad

Abroad on the study of composite cylinders to start early, mainly includes the filament winding line strength of composite material, the influence of creep effect on properties of the composite cylinder as a whole, cylinder liner material nonlinearity and the characteristic of the composite layer anisotropy, composite cylinders in various limit under the condition of stress distribution, damage and fracture failure, and optimizing the overall structure of the cylinder design [2]. Krikanov et al. [3] developed an optimization analysis method for the graphical output of the results. On the basis of considering the stiffness and strength constraints, and taking the lightest weight as the objective function, the laminated plates of composite pressure vessels were optimized. David Cohen et al. [4,5] designed the fiber strength distribution of composite pressure vessels based on the strain-strength interference reliability theory, and used weibull distribution function for statistical analysis of the fiber strength distribution. Lee M.A. [6] et al. optimized the opening shape of the composite pressure vessel and analyzed the fiber winding Angle at the same time. Mohammad Z.K [7] et al. studied the influence of different head shapes on the axial stress and axial displacement of pressure vessels by numerical simulation, and obtained the advantages of the optimal geodesic head for reducing the maximum stress.

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