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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-07-12 23:44:21  

摘 要






In order to accord with the condition of a country, there are many special vehicles invented and applied in very harsh condition of projects. Special vehicle is defined as vehicles with special equipments which help it finish some special tasks or make it have some special functions. The purpose of this graduation design is to design the special vehicle with four driving wheels which can achieve the function of Four-wheels turning in order to be used in the condition of mineral cave. What the so-called four-wheels turning is that the rear-wheels have same functions like the front wheels and they can also turn themselves at positive phase or negative phase. With that properties, special vehicles can diminish their radius of turning circle and improve the driving feelings and mobility at low speed. Also, it can decrease the possibility of heeling or twist at high speed. In this way, the stationarity and comfort can be improved. This time, we compose this idea of inventing four-wheels turning vehicles because of considering the abominable and harsh working environment of mineral cave. To some extent, special vehicle turning around frequently and with high weight and high center of gravity may pollute the environment of cave. Also, multiple spindle vehicles may weaken the flexibility although they can meet the needs of transportation. About the development of four-wheels turning vehicles, When more and more people pay attention to the active safety system, the first four-wheels vehicle was invented in Japan in 80’s of the 20th century, Since the early 1980s,many vehicle enterprises have been promoting the development of four-wheels system. Nowadays, some mature four-wheels systems has been applied in some vehicles in order to attain better protection for drivers and passengers.

The main purpose of this task is general layout of medium-sized four-wheels vehicle. All of us know that it is essential part of designing vehicle to finish the general layout of vehicles. It has decisive influence to aspects which will show competition ability of usability、quality and economical efficiency. What we know about the theory of vat is that the volume of the vat depend on the shortest plank. In my opinion, we though that it also depends on the gap of these planks. In other words, the performance of special vehicles not only depend on good components and parts, but also depends on the cooperation of many parts and parameters.

The general layout of vehicles includes that determination of parameters、selection of tyre and engine. calculation of power and economical efficiency and so on.

Key words: Four-wheels turning; Four-wheels driving; Mineral cave; Medium-sized vehicles

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪 论 1

1.1 选题背景及意义 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.2 选题意义 1

1.2 论文研究的内容 2

1.3 整车总体布置设计的任务 2

1.4 设计的原则和目标 2

1.5 汽车设计的过程 3

第2章 汽车总体布置设计 4

2.1 汽车底盘等主体内容选择 4

2.1.1 汽车轴数的确定 4

2.1.2 汽车驱动形式的选择 4

2.1.3 汽车的具体布置形式 5

2.2 汽车主要参数的确定 5

2.2.1汽车外部轮廓尺寸 5

2.2.2 汽车轴距的确定 5

2.2.3 汽车前后轮距B1和B2的确定 5

2.2.4 汽车的前悬Lf和后悬Lr的选取 5

2.2.5 汽车车头长度的确定 6

2.2.6 汽车箱体尺寸的设计 6

2.3 汽车质量参数的确定 6

2.3.1 汽车整备质量M0的确定 6

2.3.2 汽车轴荷分配 6

第3章 汽车部件的确定和传动比计算 7

3.1 发动机的确定 7

3.2 离合器的确定 7

3.3 主减速器传动比的确定 8

3.4 分动器的选取 8

3.5 一档最大传动比的确定 9

3.6 其他档位传动比的确定 10

3.7 轮胎的选择 11

4.1 汽车的动力性参数 12

4.1.1 动力因数的确定 12

4.1.2 最高车速的确定 12

4.1.3 比扭矩和比功率的确定 12

4.1.4 加速时间及最大爬坡度 13

4.2 燃油经济性参数 13

4.3 机动性参数 13

4.4 通过性参数 14

4.5 操纵稳定性参数 15

4.6 制动性参数 15

第5章 动力性能参数的计算 17

5.1 汽车动力性 17

5.2 汽车行驶阻力及驱动力 17

5.3 汽车功率平衡 17

第7章 总 结 21

参考文献 22

附 录A 23

致 谢 29

第1章 绪 论

1.1 选题背景及意义

1.1.1 选题背景

伴随着世界经济的进一步发展,对于工程方面的的设备方面的要求越来越高,尤其是针对于运输业的发展,对于货运的要求越来越高,货运不仅仅只是在公路上运输生活必需品,也包含了工程中的材料、工程机械的运输。本次选题的目的主要还是针对矿道专用汽车的设计,之所以矿道要使用专用汽车,是因为矿道内部的环境非常恶劣,而且相对而言比较狭小,而且道路环境泥泞恶劣,坡度比较大,对于矿道专用汽车的转向特性以及传动系的驱动能力要求比较高,矿洞的尺寸一般也不会太大,根据资料显示,一般正常能够进出专用汽车的矿洞一般高度约为4.2米,宽度4.5米左右,一旦相向行驶的两辆汽车会车,矿道行驶环境会变得困难无比,而且,一辆车辆在转向的时候,如果只有前桥为驱动转向桥,转向半径偏大,转向不够方便,同时多次反复操作也污染矿道相对恶劣的空气环境,在这种情况下,四轮转向系统就能够提供良好的针对此类问题的解决方案。四轮转向的矿用汽车能够在很大的程度上解决掉装备在矿道中运输的问题,四轮转向可以在汽车低速行驶的情况之下减小转向半径、能够在高速行驶的情况下,尽可能的减小车辆的侧倾和扭摆,在一些高级的汽车上,采用主动悬架和四轮转向的协调控制 , 使得整车综合性能优于单独的四轮转向系统或者主动悬架和四轮转向的简单叠加控制,极大程度上改善了汽车的稳定性和舒适性[1]

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