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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-07-12 23:09:14  

摘 要


起停跟车的车载传感装置主要包括两个超声波雷达传感器,两个ZigBee模块进行无线通信,飞思卡尔单片机对超声波雷达传感器和ZigBee模块进行控制,通过CodeWarrior软件对程序进行调试,利用飞思卡尔单片机的PIT模块,PWM模块和ECT的输入捕捉模块对超声波雷达传感器进行控制,对一个超声波雷达传感器进行了熟练地操作后尝试的进行了两个超声波雷达传感器的测距方案的制定,利用两个超声波雷达传回来的数据进行相应的处理得到更加精确的距离数据;利用X-CTU软件对ZigBee模块的两个xbee pro模块进行了点对点通信的设置,通过飞思卡尔单片机的SCI通信模块对其中一个xbee上位机进行输送超声波测出距离的数据,接着另一个xbee下位机进行数据的接收并传送到电脑上的X-CTU软件实时的监控距离数据的变化。


关键字:超声波雷达测距;ZigBee无线通信;飞思卡尔单片机; XBee-pro;


With the auto industry development, the city more and more cars are increasingly leading to urban traffic congestion. Starting with the car is parked in a crowded city park conditions can automatically start to follow the vehicle in front so as to reduce the pressure on the driver to drive the congested roads and reduce traffic accidents caused by driver fatigue driving caused. This article describes the book plays with the car parked facing the vehicle sensing device is realized by Freescale microcontroller programming and measure distance between the front of the car and through the ZigBee wireless communication distance measured by the computer display so as to start and stop with the car requirements, in order to reduce the driver's driving pressure. On-board sensor requirement is to accurately measure and display accurate.

Start and stop with the car-vehicle sensing device includes two ultrasonic radar sensors, two ZigBee wireless communication modules, Freescale microcontroller for ultrasonic radar sensors and ZigBee module is controlled by CodeWarrior software program debugging using fly thinking Carl MCU PIT modules, PWM modules and ECT input capture module ultrasonic radar sensor control, a ultrasonic radar sensor after the attempt to manipulate the development were the two ultrasonic sensors radar ranging program, the use of two ultrasonic radar data returned by the appropriate treatment to obtain a more accurate distance data; use X-CTU software modules for ZigBee modules were two xbee pro set point to point communication through Freescale MCU SCI communication module wherein a host computer for delivery xbee ultrasound measured distance data, followed by another xbee lower machine and receive data transmitted to change X-CTU software on your computer from the real-time monitoring data.

Finally, the entire ranging module was real vehicle test, the first test of the accuracy of the distance measurement, followed by measuring changes in location data when the vehicle changes the sensitivity of the reaction, the last two ZigBee measuring whether the received data is accurate at the time in different locations.

Key word: Ultrasonic Ranging; ZigBee wireless communication; Freescale microcontroller; XBee-pro

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国外的研究现状分析 1

1.3 国内的研究现状 2

1.4 研究内容 2

第2章 基于超声波雷达测距模块 3

2.1 超声波测距的相关知识 3

2.1.1 超声波的基本常识 4

2.1.2 超声波传播速度的影响因素 5

2.2 SN-SR04T 一体化超声波测距传感器 5

2.2.1 基本工作原理 5

2.2.2 电气参数 5

2.2.3 超声波时序图 6

2.3 基于STC90C52单片机系统的总体方案设计 6

2.3.1 STC90C52简介 7

2.3.2 基于STC90C52单片机的测距方案 8

2.4 基于飞思卡尔MC90S12单片机测距系统的方案设计 11

2.4.1 飞思卡尔MC90S12单片机的介绍 11

2.4.2 基于PWM模块触发和ECT模块接收的测距方案研究 12

2.4.3 基于PIT模块触发和ECT模块接收的测距方案研究 17

第三章 基于ZigBee技术的无线传输模块 20

3.1 ZigBee技术简介 20

3.1.1 ZigBee协议 20

3.1.2 ZigBee技术的优点 21

3.1.3组网通信方式 21

3.2 XBeePROS2B模块 22

3.3 X-CTU软件的使用 23

3.4串口通信 24

第四章双超声波雷达测距系统和实车测距实验 28

4.1双超声波雷达测距 28

4.2双超声波雷达传感器测距实验 29

4.2.1实验准备 29

4.2.2实验的目的 30

4.2.3实验的过程 30

4.2.3实验结论 33

第五章 总结与展望 35

5.1 论文总结 35

5.2 未来展望 36

附 件 37

参考文献 55

致谢 57

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究目的及意义



1.2 国外的研究现状分析


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