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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-06-24 23:42:10  

摘 要






In recent years, China's auto market is developing rapidly. With the urbanization and the emphasis on comfort and economy of SUV, Real-Time AWD System has been popularizing rapidly and is likely to develop into the mainstream with its advantages of the availability of using in the precursor transverse engine platform and, at the same time, simple structure, low weight and high transmission efficiency.

On different roads, the driving force of the drive wheel control to prevent wheel slip, which is an important way to get a good power and passing through. Firstly, we use the straight driving model to calculate the power of Real-Time AWD System vehicles. The attachment rate during acceleration and uphill conditions are studied mainly, determining the force distribution ratio under acceleration and climbing conditions according to the condition that the front and rear wheels share the equal attachment rate. Then, in the MATLAB/SIMULINK environment, study the condition of uphill start of Real-Time AWD System, mainly the start and acceleration on special roads. Finally, based on ADAMS platform, study the Real-Time AWD System on the steering condition, evaluating the operational stability of Real-Time AWD System vehicles through the simulation of steering wheel step input.

In this paper, based on small SUV equipped with Real-Time AWD System, the power on acceleration and uphill conditions of Real-Time AWD System, and the operational stability on steering condition. By analyzing the development of appropriate control strategies Real-Time AWD System, making the vehicle performance are met and a reasonable cost of Real-Time AWD System reduces loading of the vehicle we need to meet in the city roads, or driving on a remote hilly area requirements.

Key words: Real-Time AWD System; Control Logic; Power; Operational Stability.


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景、目的与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 本文研究的主要内容 4

第2章 适时四驱系统及其控制策略 5

2.1 适时四驱结构 5

2.1.1 分动机构 5

2.1.2 四驱耦合器 6

2.1.3 小结 8

2.2 适时四驱系统控制策略 10

2.2.1 驱动轮的动力分配原则 10

2.2.2 控制策略 10

第3章 适时四驱系统的汽车整车动力性 14

3.1 汽车直线行驶模型 14

3.1.1 汽车的驱动力 14

3.1.2 汽车的行驶阻力 15

3.1.3 汽车行驶方程式 16

3.2 整车动力性计算 18

3.2.1 加速、上坡行驶时的附着率 19

3.2.2 实际使用条件下的附着率 22

3.2.3 直线行驶工况下的动力分配系数 23

第4章 适时四驱系统直线工况研究 25

4.1 SIMULINK简介 25

4.2 模型搭建 25

4.3 适时四驱系统动力性 26

4.3.1 驱动轮特性分析 26

4.3.2 特殊路面起步加速 26

第5章 适时四驱系统转向工况研究 37

5.1 ADAMS简介 37

5.2 整车仿真模型的搭建 37

5.3 整车操纵稳定性仿真 43

5.3.1 操纵稳定性仿真研究的理论基础 43

5.3.2 转向盘角阶跃输入下的仿真实验 44

第6章 全文总结与展望 50

6.1 全文总结 50

6.2 不足与展望 50

参考文献 52

附录 54

附录A 图3-4 MATLAB绘图源程序 54

附录B 图3-5 MATLAB绘图源程序 54

附录C 图3-6 MATLAB绘图源程序 54

致谢 60

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题研究背景、目的与意义




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