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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-06-08 00:41:34  

摘 要




Suspension is the core of the automobile chassis, its performance directly affects the ride comfort and handling stability of the vehicle, so the suspension of several important performance parameters of the matching analysis.In this paper, the matching calculation and analysis are carried out on the front and rear suspensions of Dongfeng Honda CR-V, the partial frequency, static deflection, dynamic deflection, and the angle stiffness and the damping of the suspension.When carrying out the partial frequency matching analysis of suspension, it is found that the partial frequency ratio of the front and rear suspensions is different because of the different position of the center of mass and the mass distribution coefficient, and the result is not the same.In the suspension dynamic deflection of matching, due to the dynamic deflection is a dynamic change. Therefore, it is necessary with MATLAB simulation software to carry on the analysis, analysis of front and rear suspension in the suspension stiffness, tire stiffness, spring loaded quality, the suspension damping coefficient and road conditions to determine the time domain response. Through the side angle stiffness matching, front and rear suspension roll angle stiffness matching directly influence on tire side slip angle, thereby affecting the operating stability of understeer characteristics. Through the matching analysis of several parameters of the suspension, if the matching result is not ideal, then according to the actual situation of the vehicle to improve measures, so as to achieve the purpose of vehicle optimization.

Key Words:Frequency offset; static deflection; dynamic deflection; lateral stiffness; suspension dampin


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1本课题研究的背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 悬架发展历史和研究现状 2

1.2.2国内外对操纵稳定性的研究现状 3

1.2.3国内外对汽车平顺性的研究现状 4

1.3本论文主要研究的内容及目标 5

1.3.1 研究内容 5

1.3.2 研究目标 6

第二章 悬架性能参数匹配计算 6

2.1悬架类型 6

2.1.1 悬架功用以及要求 6

2.1.2悬架组成 7

2.1.3 悬架类型 7

2.2前后悬架固有频率匹配计算及分析 8

2.2.1 车型简介 9

2.2.2前后悬架偏频匹配模型的建立 9

2.2.3前悬架刚度计算 11

2.2.5 前悬架固有频率计算 12

2.2.6 后悬架的刚度计算 12

2.2.7 后悬架固有频率计算 14

2.2.8前后悬架固有频率的匹配分析 14

2.2.9 本节小结 17

2.3 前后悬架静挠度以及动挠度匹配计算及分析 20

2.3.1 前后悬架静挠度计算 20

2.3.2 前后悬架动挠度计算 20

2.3.3 前后悬架静挠度以及动挠度匹配分析 23

2.3.4 本节小结 23

2.4前后悬架侧倾角刚度匹配计算分析 24

2.4.1 侧倾角刚度跟操纵稳定性的关系 24

2.4.2 前悬架侧倾角刚度计算 24

2.4.3 后悬架侧倾角刚度计算 26

2.4.4 前后悬架侧倾角刚度匹配分析 28

2.5汽车悬架阻尼匹配计算及匹配分析 30

2.5.1 阻尼的定义 30

2.5.2 模型的建立 31

2.5.3 模型分析 33

2.5.4 单自由度振动系统的强迫振动 35

2.5.5 支座简谐运动引起的强迫振动 37

2.5.6双质量振动模型 39

2.5.7减振器结构以及工作原理 40

2.5.7 悬架阻尼匹配原则 40

2.5.8 悬架减振器外特性 41

2.5.9前后悬架阻尼系数匹配计算分析 42

2.6.10本节小结 43

第三章 总结 44

参考文献 45

程序附录 47

致谢 48

第1章 绪论




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