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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-04-17 00:34:23  

摘 要


  1. 介绍了多传感器的应用和车辆主动安全的背景,查阅了大量的有关资料,从需求性和重要性角度分析了多传感信息融合的防撞系统的研究意义。
  2. 由环境感知模块,信息融合模块,预警决策模块构建起了一整套车辆的防撞系统。
  3. 重点研究了基于HOG SVM分类器的红外线传感器的行人识别技术,研究了红外图像的降噪,阈值分割的行人感兴趣区域建立的过程,之后进行SVM分类器的训练及行人识别。
  4. 在车辆的检测中运用了可见光传感器和雷达传感器的融合判断。构建了流程框图,并以此对车牌的目标区域进行了识别。
  5. 研究了雷达和单目机器视觉测距的技术,提出了改进型的安全车距的模型,综合考虑了车辆相对速度,驾驶员状态和路面状态。



The number of car ownership in China is continuously increasing, and people's demand for active safety is also increasing. At present, the areas involved in active safety technologies of vehicles are complex and cross-bounded. Vehicle engineering, information processing, and automatic control are mainly designed. However, in current collision avoidance systems of vehicles, collision prevention control is mainly based on radar sensors and the information of the vehicle itself, and it is no longer able to satisfy increasingly complex vehicle driving conditions. Therefore, multi-sensors based on signal fusion are getting more in-depth research, mainly based on the vehicle in front of the vehicle and pedestrian information to build a set of collision avoidance system. It consists of environment perception module, information fusion module, and early warning decision module, which can effectively reduce the probability of traffic accident caused by the driver's unresponsiveness or wrong judgment.

The work of this article is as follows:

(1) Introduced the application of multi-sensors and the background of active vehicle safety, consulted a large number of relevant data, analyzed the significance of the collision avoidance system for multi-sensor information fusion from the perspective of demand and importance.

(2) A set of anti-collision systems for vehicles was constructed from the environment perception module, information fusion module, and early warning decision module.

(3) Focusing on the pedestrian recognition technology of infrared sensors based on the HOG SVM classifier, researching the process of noise reduction and threshold segmentation of pedestrians in the infrared image, and then training the SVM classifier and pedestrian recognition.

(4) The fusion judgment of the visible light sensor and the radar sensor is used in the detection of the vehicle. A block diagram of the process was constructed and the target area of the license plate was identified.

(5) The technology of radar and monocular machine vision ranging is studied, and an improved model of safe vehicle distance is proposed, which comprehensively considers the vehicle's relative speed, driver's status and road surface status.

Key Words:Active Safety; Information Fusion; SVM Classifier; Safe Distance


摘要 I

第一章:绪论 1

1.1.选题背景、意义和目的 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义和目的 2

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1毫米波雷达的防撞系统 2

1.2.2基于机器视觉的防撞系统 3

1.2.3多传感信号融合的防撞系统 4

1.3研究内容和技术路线 4

第二章 基于信息融合的防撞系统的构成 6

2.1系统的功能与模块组成 6

2.1.1系统的功能实现 6

2.1.2多传感器采集模块 7

2.1.3信息融合模块 7

2.1.3 报警决策模块 8

2.2传感器的选型及布置 8

2.2.1传感器的选型 8

2.2.2传感器的布置 12

2.3多传感信息融合 13

2.3.1信息融合技术 13

2.3.2数据融合的目标跟踪 14

2.4汽车防撞的预警与决策 15

2.5本章小结 16

第三章 红外成像传感器的行人检测 18

3.1行人检测的系统框架 18

3.2假设行人检测区域 18

3.2.1行人图像的预处理 19

3.2.2.划分假设行人区域 22

3.3假设行人区域的验证 22

3.3.1四种行人检测特征方法 23

3.3.2基于HOG的行人特征提取 28

3.3.3 行人SVM分类器的介绍 30

3.3.4实验训练分类器 31

第四章:信号融合在车辆检测上的应用 35

4.1基于雷达和视觉系统的车辆融合检测方案 35

4.2图像ROI的建立 36

4.2.1雷达介绍及目标初选 36

4.2.2多传感器的坐标变换 38

4.2.3摄像的内外参数获取 42

4.2.4汽车感兴趣区域初选 45

4.3基于最近邻链方法的车辆验证 46

4.3.1车辆区域的预处理 46

4.3.2最近邻方法的车牌区域建立 49

4.3.3基于模板匹配的OCR算法的车牌识别 50

第五章:多传感器车距测量技术及安全距离模型的建立 51

5.1多传感器的距离测算技术 51

5.1.1毫米波雷达的测距 51

5.1.2利用车牌区域的测距技术 53

5.2安全距离的模型建立 55

5.2.1典型安全距离模型 56

5.2.2改进型的安全距离模型 57

5.3本章小结 59

第六章 结论与展望 60

6.1研究内容结论 60

6.2研究工作展望 60

参考文献 62

第一章 绪论





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