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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 13:19:47  

摘 要

可见光通信技术(visible light communication VLC)是一种新兴的数据通信方式,它将照明与通信结合到一起,具有节能环保、无电磁干扰等优点。面对日益增长的频谱资源需求与日渐匮乏的无线频谱资源这一对矛盾,可见光通信技术的发展在全球范围内引起了广泛的重视,有望成为下一代通信的关键技术。而汽车上具有前大灯、尾灯、指示灯、内饰灯等光源,将可见光通信技术应用到汽车上,可以实现车内、车与车、车与交通灯之间通信,为车联网的实现提供了一种新的信息交互方案。






Visible light communication (VLC) is an emerging data communication method, which combines lighting and communication, and has the advantages of energy conservation, environmental protection and no electromagnetic interference. Faced with the contradiction between the increasing demand of spectrum resources and the increasing shortage of wireless spectrum resources, the development of visible light communication technology has attracted extensive attention worldwide and is expected to become the key technology of the next generation of communication. The automobile has headlights, taillights, indicator lights, interior lights and other light sources. The application of visible light communication technology to the automobile can realize the intra vehicle communication, inter vehicle communication and vehicle to infrastructure communication, providing a new vehicle information interaction scheme.

This paper analyzes the development status of visible light communication at home and abroad, and the research status of vehicle information interaction based on VLC, and then puts forward the idea of using LED car headlights to build visible light communication system for vehicle information interaction.

Based on this idea, this paper designed a type of LED car headlights H4, completed the 3d modeling design of LED car headlights, heat dissipation and convection simulation and physical mechanical processing. The LED frequency response testing system was built and the communication performance of a series of LEDs was measured, especially the LED car headlights were tested under different conditions in detail. A free-form surface lens is proposed to solve the problem of signal instability when the receiver and transmitter move relatively. At the end, the future prospect of VLC for vehicle information interaction and the improvement direction of vehicle light source for vehicle information interaction are proposed.

Keywords: visible light communication; vehicle information interaction; LED vehicle headlights; free-form surface lens


目 录

第1章 绪论 - 1 -

1.1 研究背景 - 1 -

1.2 VLC国内外发展现状 - 3 -

1.4 车辆信息交互国内外研究现状 - 7 -

1.5 VLC在车辆、道路信息交互智能交通的应用 - 9 -

1.6 论文主要工作及工作架构 - 9 -

第2章 LED车前大灯的设计 - 11 -

2.1 LED的简介 - 11 -

2.2 车用LED前大灯的设计 - 11 -

2.2.1 车前大灯散热仿真 - 12 -

2.2.2 车前大灯照明性能测试 - 17 -

2.3 本章小结 - 20 -

第3章 LED频率响应模型 - 22 -

3.1 调制带宽与信噪比 - 22 -

3.1.1 调制带宽 - 22 -

3.1.2 信噪比 - 25 -

3.2 硬件选取及系统搭建 - 25 -

3.3 实验测试 - 29 -

3.4 结果分析 - 30 -

3.4.1 带宽测试分析 - 30 -

3.4.2 调制对照明性能影响分析 - 31 -

3.5 本章小结 - 32 -

第4章 自由曲面透镜的设计 - 33 -

4.1 优化方案的提出 - 33 -

4.2 自由曲面透镜的优化设计简述 - 34 -

4.3 基于能量反馈的自由曲面透镜设计 - 35 -

4.3.1 建立光学模型 - 36 -

4.3.2 自由曲面透镜轮廓曲线的求解 - 39 -

4.3.3 Trace pro仿真与能量反馈优化 - 42 -

4.4 本章小结 - 51 -

第5章 结论与展望 - 53 -

参考文献 - 55 -

致谢 - 58 -

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

20世纪80年代,高效红色、橙色和黄色发光二极管(LED)的发展推动了以照明为目的取代固态照明的想法。直到1996年,第一款白色LED才在市场上正式上市销售。LED灯具有高效节能、低碳排放、无汞、耐用、照明质量好等优点。LED灯比传统白炽灯省电75%,使用寿命长25%。随着LED价格的不断下降和功耗的降低,预计到2020年,LED照明的市场份额将达到69%。在过去20年里,数据的指数增长引起了人们对信息通信技术基础设施耗电量的担忧。据估计,2012年信息通信技术基础设施的用电量占全球用电量的4.6%,尽管强调引入节能技术,但预计未来还会增加。到2030年,信息通信技术对温室气体排放的贡献将增加到23%,最坏的情况下,这一比例将达到50%。连接人、过程、事物、数据和所有事物的物联网的未来将需要始终保持internet连接。物联网将进一步增加信息通信技术基础设施的部署,从而增加电力消耗。除了提供低成本照明以外,LED灯还被用于其他应用,如室内农业和种植园[1, 2],医疗应用[3, 4]。LED灯在家庭、办公室和公共空间的广泛使用使其在射频频谱稀缺问题的解决上具有极大的发展潜力,如图1.1所示,相较于现有通信常用的红外、蓝牙、WLAN波段,可见光波段的频谱资源非常充足。

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