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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 00:23:16  

摘 要


本文选用两阶段检测方法中的Faster R-CNN检测框架以及单阶段检测方法中的SSD检测框架,分别搭配VGGNet、ResNet-50以及ResNet-101作为骨干特征提取网络,在KITTI以及COCO数据集上进行训练并验证检测结果。通过对比分析可得,Faster R-CNN的检测效果比SSD的好,搭配ResNet的检测框架效果比搭配VGGNet的检测效果好,Faster R-CNN-ResNet101检测效果最好,mAP值能达到0.8325。但是在检测速度方面,Faster R-CNN不如SSD。




With the rapid development of urbanization,the number of vehicles is increasing rapidly,which makes the negative impact on the social environment can no longer be ignored.In this situation,the intelligent transportation system-ITS was proposed to solve this problem. As an important part of the ITS, intelligent vehicles are designed to improve road driving through intelligent control. In order to provide early warning or intervention control in an emergency, or even to achieve automatic driving, the detection of road vehicles is essential. The variety of shape characteristics such as light conditions, vehicle shape and size is difficult to generalize. In addition to the interference and shadowing of various objects in the real world, traditional detection methods can not solve these problems well.Therefore,the results have always been unsatisfactory. In recent years, the object detection method based on deep learning has achieved remarkable results, and it has solved various problems in the traditional object detection. Therefore, this paper selects the object detection framework based on deep learning combined with different convolutional neural network models to establish a road vehicle detection model, and compares the advantages and disadvantages of different detection frameworks and different convolutional neural network models.

In this paper, the Faster R-CNN detection framework in the two-stage detection method and the SSD detection framework in the single-stage detection method are selected, and VGGNet, ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 are respectively used as the backbone feature extraction network, and are performed on the KITTI and COCO data sets. Train and verify the test results. Through comparative analysis, the detection effect of Faster R-CNN is better than that of SSD. The detection framework with ResNet is better than the detection with VGGNet. Faster R-CNN-ResNet101 has the best detection effect, and the mAP value can reach 0.8325. But in terms of detection speed, Faster R-CNN is not as good as SSD.

Considering the support for mobile and embedded devices in practical applications, a network model with smaller volume and faster detection speed is needed. The vehicle model is built using the lightweightconvolutional neural network model MobileNet_V2 combined with SSD. The detection model mAP can reach 0.569 and has an absolute advantage in detection speed.

Key Words:Deep Learning;Convolutional Neural Networks;Vehicle Detection


1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及研究意义 1

1.2 传统车辆检测算法 3

1.3 基于深度学习的目标检测 4

1.4 主要工作及论文结构 5

1.4.1 本文主要工作 5

1.4.2 论文结构 5

2.深度学习理论 6

2.1 人工神经网络 6

2.1.1 神经元 6

2.1.2 多层感知机 8

2.1.3 前向传播算法 9

2.1.4 反向传播算法 9

2.2 深度学习 11

2.2.1 深度学习简介 11

2.2.2 深度学习工具简介 12

2.3 卷积神经网络 14

2.3.1 局部感知与权值共享 14

2.3.2 卷积神经网络结构 15

2.3.3 卷积神经网络的训练 19

2.4 卷积神经网络模型 21

2.4.1 VGGNet 22

2.4.2 ResNet 25

2.5 本章小结 29

3 基于深度学习的目标检测算法框架介绍 30

3.1 Faster R-CNN目标检测框架 30

3.1.1 RPN 31

3.1.2 Fast R-CNN 36

3.2 SSD目标检测框架 37

3.2.1 default box 39

3.2.2 SSD的损失函数 40

3.3 本章小结 40

4 道路车辆检测模型的建立和实验 41

4.1 数据集的建立 41

4.1.1 数据集介绍 41

4.1.2 数据集的处理 42

4.2 试验环境 42

4.3 网络训练过程 42

4.3.1 Faster R-CNN网络的训练 42

4.3.2 SSD网络的训练 45

4.4 评价指标 46

4.5 实验结果对比分析 48

4.6 改进的网络结构 49

4.6.1 深度可分离卷积 49

4.6.2 MobileNet的网络结构 51

4.6.3 MobileNet的两个超参数 52

4.6.4 MobileNet_V2 52

4.6.5 SSD-MobileNet_V2车辆检测模型的训练 53

4.6.6 SSD-MobileNet_V2实验结果分析 53

4.7 本章小结 54

5 总结与展望 55

5.1 总结 55

5.2 展望 55

参考文献 56

致谢 58

1 绪论

1.1 研究背景及研究意义

随着世界各国经济以及城市化的迅速发展,人口数量激增,汽车作为如今人们,生活中不可缺少的交通工具,其保有量及普及率逐年不断提高。汽车在为我们带来诸多便利的同时,也为我们的社会及环境带来着负面的影响,如今随着汽车的大量使用,其所造成的不利也越来越明显。首先是汽车尾气所造成的环境污染问题,汽车尾气未然已经成为如今全球大气环境污染最重要的污染源之一。其次便是交通拥堵问题,随着车辆数量的不断飙升,道路车辆密度不断增长,使得道路交通网络中的车辆速度持续下降,而拥堵时长以及拥堵路程增加,对人们的生活造成的负面影响及不便也越来越大。最后便是交通事故问题,据统计,每分钟全球有两人死于交通事故[1],而我国的交通事故数量更是达到每年50万起,超过10万人丧生于此,随之带来的巨额经济损失等更是能达到数十亿的人民币。为了解决日益严峻的各类交通问题,世界各国均投入了大量的人力及资金来进行研究,智能交通系统(ITS:Intelligent Transportation System)便是在这种背景下被提出的,并已作为交通问题的解决方案在被积极的探索着。


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