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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 机械机电类 > 车辆工程 > 正文


 2021-03-21 00:48:53  

摘 要






With the continuous improvement of road traffic conditions in China, the use of large commercial vehicles is becoming more and more popular. Due to the heavy quality of the heavy truck, the driver takes a lot of effort in manipulating the steering wheel, and it is easy to produce fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to design a low-cost hydraulic power steering system.

In this paper, we take Dongfeng Tianlong DFL4251 heavy-duty tractor as an example to design a suitable hydraulic power steering system. The main design contents are: to determine the basic vehicle parameters needed to design the steering system; to determine the main performance parameters of the steering system (including the steering system efficiency, angular transmission ratio and force transmission ratio, drive the transmission gap); mechanical steering gear design (Including the selection of the power supply, the design of the hydraulic steering valve, the design of the power cylinder, etc.), the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, the steering wheel, The design of the mechanism (including the design of the steering axle, the design of the steering trapezoidal mechanism, the design of the steering gear and the strength check, etc.); steering mechanism design (steering wheel, universal joint and energy absorption device). At the same time, CATIA software is used to build the 3D model of the whole steering system and transform it into two-dimensional engineering drawings through AutoCAD.

This design first receive the various parameters of the steering system through the theoretical design calculation (the main design methods and theories from the automotive design and mechanical design related information). And then through the CATIA software to build a three-dimensional modeling and simple kinematic interference check to further optimize the design results. The design results meet the strength and size requirements, safe and reliable. The design process can be used as a reference template for heavy-duty commercial vehicle steering system design. For other heavy-duty commercial vehicles, this process can also be used to design the steering system.

Key words: steering system; recirculating ball; hydraulic pressure power

目 录

第1章 设计任务和要求 1

1.1 设计任务 1

1.2 设计要求 1

第2章 汽车基本参数和转向系统性能参数的确定 3

2.1 基本汽车参数的选定 3

2.2 转向系统主要性能参数的确定 3

2.2.1 转向器的效率 3

2.2.2 角传动比和力传动比 4

2.2.3 转向器传动副传动间隙Δt 4

2.3 本章小结 6

第3章 机械式转向器设计 7

3.1 转向系统计算载荷的确定 7

3.2 机械式转向器的设计计算 8

3.2.1 机械式转向器的方案选择 8

3.2.2 转向器主要尺寸参数的选择 8

3.2.3齿条、齿扇传动副设计 10

3.3 转向器零件的强度计算 12

3.3.1 钢球与滚道间接触应力 12

3.3.2 齿的弯曲应力 13

第4章 动力转向系统设计 14

4.1 动力系统结构方案的确定 14

4.1.1 对动力转向系统的要求 14

4.1.2动力转向系统结构方案的确定 14

4.2 液压式动力转向机构的计算 16

4.2.1动力缸主要尺寸计算 16

4.2.2 分配阀参数的选择 18

4.3 动力转向器的评价指标 20

4.4 本章小结 20

第5章 转向传动机构设计 22

5.1 转向从动桥设计 22

5.1.2 工字梁设计与强度计算 22

5.1.3 主销设计和强度计算 23

5.1.4 转向节强度计算 25

5.2 转向梯形机构设计 25

5.3 转向传动部件设计 27

5.3.1 球头销 27

5.3.2 转向摇臂 28

5.4 本章小结 28

第6章 转向操纵机构设计 30

6.1 转向盘布置及尺寸 30

6.2 转向轴的防伤安全措施 30

6.3 万向节的设计计算 31

6.3.1 万向节的选型 31

6.3.2 十字轴万向节的计算校核 31

第7章 设计总结 34

参考文献 35

致 谢 36

  1. 设计任务和要求



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