2020-12-13 11:46:51
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)
1.1 the purpose and significance
in recent years, with promotion of the automatic driving, the adas (advanced driver assistance system) has developed dramatically. this assistance system is widely used in a variety of advanced automobiles, and the increasing number of middle-class automobiles will equip with this system. this intelligent driving assistance system can significantly improve the safety and comfort of the driver and passengers. but on the one hand, adas-equipped vehicles can not be completely out of the driver's control, they still need the drivers to cooperate in a way; on the other hand, with adas system constantly enriched, there are various kinds of adas. so it is necessary to study on the security of these new functions.
2. 研究的基本内容与方案
1.1 fundamental contents
(1) selection of cognitive model of driving behavior
(2) adas classification and corresponding driving elements
3. 研究计划与安排
1st week the program concept, literature search, complete the opening report
2 to 3rd weeks campus practice, school data collection, complete the internship report
4th week foreign language translation, data re-collection
4. 参考文献(12篇以上)
[1] xu jingyu. car driver assistance system: from passive to active [j]. world electronic components, 2014, 11: 59-60.
[2] xu yang, li shijian, jiao wenjun, pan gang.study and application of user driving behavior modeling [j] .computer science, 2015,09: 1-6 12.
[3] yan xinping, zhang hui, wu chaozhong, mao zhe, lei hu.study on road traffic driving behavior and its prospect [j]. traffic information and security, 2013,01: 45-51.