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 2022-05-17 21:38:57  


摘 要





关键词:云计算 相册管理 Hadoop HDFS

Cloud-based mobile photo album management system design


With the progress of science and technology, all kinds of photographic equipment dazzling, people are willing to readily take picture of life. In these photographs and not bear to delete them. With the accumulation of time, these photos will take us a lot of memory space and how to preserve the memories of these for us is a not a small problem.

The development of big data is a great boon for the DV family. With the concept of the cloud into our lives, electronic photo album will become better and better. People do not need to considered this memory problem and only need to care about equipment of electricity. It can be arbitrary to take as many will take many.

Combined with mobile photo album management system of the traditional model and cloud computing technology, using Hadoop as a development framework. HDFS file processing system is described in detail which based on the cloud computing mobile photo album management system designed and implementation process. The system has a new cloud, delete the album, show the cloud album, upload local photos and other functions, to achieve remote synchronization.It is easy to share of the purpose.

The system use MyEclipse as a development tool, using Hadoop as a development framework, using Tomcat application server HDFS as Hadoop distributed file processing system, to the application provides high throughput access distributed file system.

Keyword: Cloud Computing; Album management; Hadoop; HDFS


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 系统开发的背景 1

1.2 系统的传统部署与现状 1

1.3 系统开发的目的和意义 3

1.4 系统定位 3

1.5 用户分析 4

第二章 开发工具介绍 5

2.1 系统采用Hadoop框架 5

2.2 Hadoop环境搭建 5

2.3 实现MySQL数据库与HDFS的实时数据同步 8

第三章 需求分析 9

3.1 可行性分析 9

3.1.1 技术上的可行性 9

3.1.2 经济性 9

3.1.3 运行可行性 9

3.1.4 管理上的可行性 10

3.2 系统需要解决的主要问题 10

3.3 系统需要实现的功能 10

3.4 系统功能性需求分析 10

3.4.1 系统业务流程 10

3.4.2 系统功能结构设计 11

3.4.3 系统模块用例模型分析 12

3.5 其它需求 14

第四章 系统设计 14

4.1 设计原则 15

4.2 系统功能结构图 15

4.3 系统的功能结构设计 16

4.3.1 用户信息管理模块设计 16

4.3.2 用户相册管理模块设计 16

4.4 数据库设计 17

4.4.1 用户信息表 17

4.4.2 相册信息表 18

4.4.3 相片信息表 18

4.4.4 评论信息表 18

第五章 系统的实现 19

5.1 用户信息管理模块 20

5.1.1 用户登录 20

5.1.2 用户注册 21

5.2 用户管理相册模块 22

5.2.1 新增相册 22

5.2.2 上传相片 24

5.2.3 评论相片 28

第六章 系统的测试 30

6.1 测试方案设计 31

6.1.1 软件测试过程 31

6.1.1 测试策略 31

6.1.2 测试安排 32

6.1.3 测试资源 32

6.2测试用例构建 32

6.2.1 测试用例编写约定 32

6.2.2 测试用例设计 33

6.2.3 测试分析 34

结束语 34

参考文献 35

谢  辞 36

第一章 绪论

1.1 系统开发的背景



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