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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 计算机类 > 计算机科学与技术 > 正文


 2021-03-28 23:13:34  

摘 要

现如今,手机已经成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的重要部分,手机性能日益强大,各类移动app 的功能也越来越丰富,人们可以通过手机app进行多种日常工作、生活、娱乐等活动,一方面,各类的app便利了人们的日常生活,另一方面,app的使用能否更易理解,更方便使用,其重要性也是显而易见的,这便涉及到对于人机工效学的研究。



关键词:app;易用性; 界面; 交互; 人机工效


Nowadays, mobile phones have become an indispensable part of people's daily life, mobile phone performance is increasingly strong, all kinds of mobile app function is more and more rich, people can carry out a variety of daily mobile app appeals, life, entertainment and other activities , On the one hand, all kinds of app to facilitate people's daily life, on the other hand, the use of app can be easier to understand, more convenient to use, its value is obvious, which involves ergonomic research.

The purpose of man-machine function is to coordinate the relationship between people, objects and environment. For mobile app, the key is to combine the use of the scene, the purpose of the use of a reasonable interface design and interactive design, so as to continuously enhance the user experience, Attract users, keep the user sticky, of course, the most important thing is to ensure the availability of app and app ease of use.

The research on the ergonomics of mobile devices is relatively more, but mainly in the interactive design, due to cell phone size, performance, system version and other factors, some related research is still less, this paper will be combined with mobile device features, interface And interactive design process in several aspects, combined with the relevant knowledge, the impact of the use of various types of interface elements to study, to improve the mobile app user experience as the starting point, the interactive design of interactive interface analysis factors, and app design and development, At the same time using the questionnaire and usability testing, etc., to understand the user's experience information, access to relevant data and conduct more in-depth study and analysis.

Keywords: app; Ease of use; interface; interaction; ergonomics


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的 1

1.3 课题分析 1

1.4 测试及调研方法 2

1.5 应用支持平台与开发工具的选择 2

第2章 APP系统分析与设计 3

2.1 需求分析 3

2.2 功能设计 3

2.3 界面设计 3

第3章 app功能实现 5

3.1 整体功能概述 5

3.2 各界面实现 5

3.2.1 主界面 6

3.2.2 添加任务界面 7

3.3 数据库设计 9

3.4 功能实现 10

第4章 app功能测试与调研 13

4.1功能测试 13

4.2问卷调查 15

4.2.1 问卷设计 16

4.2.2问卷分析 17

4.3可用性测试及访谈 20

4.3.1测试功能点选择 21

4.3.2测试任务创建及访谈问题设置 21

4.3.3测试及访谈结果 22

第5章 人机工效因素研究分析 23

5.1 屏幕尺寸 23

5.2 三种常见的点击功能模块对比 23

5.3 常用列布局与卡片式布局 23

第6章 总结与展望 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

随着智能手机的发展,手机功能日渐丰富,同时,手机的交互逻辑也一直没有停下发展的脚步,如今智能手机主流操作系统主要是ios和android,如今全球ios用户数超过8亿,android用户数量更是已经超过20亿 ,随着二者的发展,它们在操作逻辑,交互设计等方面都形成了较为完善的体系,一方面注重体验的优化,另一方面也十分注重效率的提升无论对于苹果、谷歌这样的公司,还是应用的开发者,提升app使用效率都是十分重要的。交互设计作为用户体验中最为关键的一部分,对用户使用产品有着至关重要的影响,已经成为一门十分专业的学科;人机工效作为提升用户体验的重要因素,也成为了一门发展较快的边缘学科[1]。但完全针对手机界面进行的人机工效研究还相对较少

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