2021-10-19 22:37:02
摘 要
Industrial transfer is an inevitable trend of industrial development. The transfer of energy-intensive industry has brought significant changes to the regional environment. Therefore, the study on environmental effects of the transfer of energy-intensive industry is of great significance. Domestic and foreign scholars have conducted multi-dimensional studies on industrial transfer and environmental effects. Based on the studies of many scholars, this paper takes Jiangsu province as an example to study the environmental effects of industrial transfer with high energy consumption by comprehensively considering relevant economic and technological factors. This paper takes energy-intensive industry in Jiangsu province as the research object, mainly analyzes the spatial transfer trend of energy-intensive industry in 13 cities in Jiangsu province by using the shift-share method, and uses the panel data to build a model empirically, analyzing that how energy-intensive industry transfer impacts on environmental pollution emissions. The results show that the energy-intensive industry in Jiangsu province have a general trend of going out, and the trend of going out is more obvious in the south of Jiangsu province where the economy is more developed. The NRC and the DIF are positively correlated with environmental pollution emissions, while the STR is negatively correlated with environmental pollution emissions. Besides, the pollution emission from energy-intensive industries in Jiangsu province is also influenced by the level of city economy, science and technology, and environmental control. Based on the research results, the paper puts forward policy suggestions to solve the problem of environmental pollution emission caused by the transfer of energy-intensive industries.
Key Words :energy-intensive industry ;industrial transfer; environmental effects; shift-share method
1.绪论 1
1.1研究背景及研究意义 1
1.2主要研究方法及数据来源 1
1.2.1偏离份额法 1
1.2.2定量实证分析法 2
1.2.3文献研究法 2
1.2.4数据来源与说明 3
1.3研究内容 3
1.3.1江苏省高耗能产业及污染转移趋势 3
1.3.2江苏省高耗能产业转移环境效应分析 3
1.3.3结论与建议 4
1.4 文献综述 4
1.4.1对产业转移区域分布的研究 4
1.4.2 对产业转移效应的研究 5
1.4.3对环境效应影响因素的研究 5
1.4.4文献评述 5
2.江苏省高耗能产业及污染转移趋势 7
2.1高耗能、高排放产业的界定 7
2.2江苏省高耗能产业转移趋势 7
2.3高耗能产业工业污染时空演变 8
3.江苏省高耗能产业转移环境效应分析 9
3.1理论分析 9
3.1.1污染避难所假说 9
3.1.2波特假说 9
3.1.3环境库尔兹曲线假说(EKC) 10
3.2实证分析 10
3.2.1模型构建 10
3.2.2结果分析 11
4.结论与建议 14
4.1结论总结 14
4.1.1转移趋势角度 14
4.1.2产业转移环境效应角度 14
4.2政策建议 15
4.2.1因地制宜环境规制,引导地区环境协调发展 15
4.2.2制定合理产业转移政策,引导地区产业协调发展 15
4.2.3大力发展绿色科技,推进生产方式绿色化 16
4.3研究展望 16
参考文献 18
致谢 20
第一章 绪论