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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 经济学 > 正文


 2021-12-13 20:25:08  


摘 要







This article aims at the aging of China's population,and responds to the country's smart pension industry planning,and uses the Internet,and other new technologies, arranging corresponding resources.In the end we designs a reliable and complete e-commerce platform for home care services. It analyzes and introduces the platform's service system in detail Business model. This platform conforms to the current general pension conditions in China.On this basis, it can further develop towards smart home pensions. It is the only way for China's future pension industry to develop. and also it is an excellent solution to solve social pension problems and accelerate the development of national pension way. The current situation of business models of other smart pension systems on the market is compared.The research results show that this system is the most comprehensive and reasonable to solve problems, target subjects, service areas, and integration of upper and lower resources

The thesis mainly studies and analyzes the business model of self-designed new platform smart home care service system.

The results of the study show that this business model is in line with the current development status and integrating resources of all parties can effectively meet the needs of the current pension under the current conditions.

The characteristics of this article: According to the current aging situation of the population, it is in line with the smart pension industry plan, and can effectively realize smart home pension on the basis of the current pension conditions, meet the current needs of pension, and use the Internet of Things technology for smart pension business model.

Key Words:Smart community pension;Platform pension business model design;Analysis of other business models;IoT technology;Smart pension service system


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 项目背景 1

1.1.1当前我国养老产业的发展状况 1

1.1.2发展智慧社区养老的紧迫性 1

1.2养老需求分析 2

1.2.1老年人需求分析 2

不同健康状况的老人的养老需求 2

1.2.2政府的需求分析 4

1.2.3 老年服务企业的需求分析 4

1.3项目可行性和必要性分析 4

1.3.1项目可行性分析 4

1.3.2项目必要性分析 5

第2章 项目商业模式介绍及分析 6

2.1 整体商业模式架构 6

2.1.1 运营模式 7

2.1.2 盈利模式 8

2.2 参与主体介绍 10

2.2.1 老人 10

2.2.2 子女 10

2.2.3 护工 10

2.2.4 社区管理中心 10

2.2.5 医院 10

2.2.6 商务企业 11

2.3 社区服务介绍 12

2.3.1生活服务 13

2.3.2健康管理 14

2.3.3智能检测 14

2.3.4 增值服务 15

2.4.系统功能阐述 16

2.4.1.生活服务系统 17

2.4.2智能检测系统 17

2.4.3健康管理系统 18

2.4.4综合管理系统 21

2.5 APP建设 23

2.5.1子女登录界面 23

2.5.2 护工登陆界面功能 24

2.6网页PC端建设 24

第三章 商业模式对比分析 26

3.1市场上智慧养老发展状况 26

3.1.1日创科技“守护佳”智能看护系统 26

3.1.2五心养老服务平台 27

3.1.3索酷智慧养老云服务3.1.3 SaaS 平台 29

3.1.4壹零后智慧养老 29

3.2国内智慧养老平台对比分析 30

3.3 智慧养老痛点分析 30

3.3.1 信息化程度低 30

3.3.2 数据共享程度低 31

3.3.3服务内容单一 31

3.3.4 基础设施不完善 31

3.3.5服务渠道狭窄 31

第四章 结论 32

参考文献 33

致谢 34




我国智能养老产业从 2012 年起步,经历了倡导、试点,从 2017 年开始进入全国推广阶段[1]。“十三五”期间我国智能养老产业体系将呈现“创新、整合、应用、共享”的新趋势。[1]预计到“十三五”末,全国 60 岁以上老年人口将增加到 2.55 亿人左右,占总人口比重提升到 17.8 %左右,老年抚养比提高到 28%左右;养老服务需求呈现总量和质量双提升的发展态势。[1]我国第一次老年人口增长高峰(年均增长840万人)将于 2018 年左右结束,而在 2022 年后,又将迎来第二次老年人口增长高峰(年均增长1100万),“十三五”时期正好是两个增长高峰间的低谷,是做好积极应对老龄化各项战略准备的有利时机,也是建设现代养老服务体系、发展养老服务业的机会窗口期。[1]


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