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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2020-04-13 11:43:20  

摘 要




关键字:贸易引力模型 自由贸易区 巴基斯坦 贸易创造效应 贸易转移效应


In recent years, as WTO multilateral negotiation has stalemated, the process of global regional economic integration has accelerated. At the same time, regionalization has gradually become the dominant trend of economic globalization and the number of regional trade agreements has increased. In 2003, China and Pakistan signed the “Agreement on the early harvest for the free trade agreement” beginning to establish a free trade area. In 2006, China and Pakistan signed the “Free trade agreement”, and the China-Pakistan Free Trade Area was officially established. The second section of China-Pakistan free trade agreement is still in the negotiation. The outcome of the negotiations will be a turning point in China-Pakistan trade cooperation. Therefore, it is significant to study the trade effect of China-Pakistan regional trade agreement.

Firstly, this paper compares the amount of trade between China and Pakistan before the sign of the China-Pakistan RTA Trade Agreement and after, analyzing the growth of trade between China and Pakistan. Secondly, calculate the RCA index of trade products between China and Pakistan and recognize the potential trade effects of China-Pakistan Free Trade Area. Thirdly, qualitatively verify the existence of the effects based on the trade ratio of China-Pakistan bilateral trade by product category. Finally, construct a three-phase trade gravitation model to analyze the trade creation effect and trade transfer effect of the China-Pakistan regional trade agreement. Based on this, propose countermeasures for negotiating strategies for market access in the negotiation of upgrading regional trade agreements between China and Pakistan.

The results show that: (1) Since the 21st century, the bilateral trade volume between China and Pakistan has increased steadily. The establishment of China-Pakistan FTA has a significant positive trade effect on China, but the numbers of China's export to Pakistan are much larger than China's imports from Pakistan. (2) There is a complementarity between China's and Pakistan's industries, especially in resource-intensive industries and capital-intensive industries. (3) The establishment of China-Pakistan Free Trade Area has significantly promoted the trade between China and Pakistan, illustrating a trade creation effect. (4) The establishment of China-Pakistan Free Trade Area has limited impact on China's imports and exports from other countries, and its trade transfer effect is not obvious. (5) China-Pakistan Free Trade Zone has greater effect on China's exports to Pakistan than import.

Key Words: Trade gravity model, Free trade area, Pakistan, Trade creation effect, Trade transfer effect

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.3 研究方法与研究思路 3

1.3.1 研究目标 3

1.3.2 研究的基本内容 3

1.3.3 拟采用的技术方案及措施 3

第2章 理论基础 5

2.1 贸易理论 5

2.1.1 传统国际贸易理论综述 5

2.1.2 规模经济 5

2.2 自由贸易区相关理论 6

2.2.1 区域贸易协定 6

2.2.2 关税同盟理论-静态效应 6

第3章 中国-巴基斯坦自由贸易协定的背景、历程及文本内容 7

3.1 中巴自由贸易协定签订背景 7

3.1.1 国际背景 7

3.1.2 中巴两国关系背景 7

3.2 中巴自由贸易区的发展历程 8

3.3 中巴自由贸易协定内容 8

第4章 中巴自贸区成立前后中国和巴基斯坦间贸易情况 13

4.1 中巴自贸区成立前后中国和巴基斯坦间贸易情况 13

4.1.1 中巴自贸区成立前中巴贸易情况 13

4.1.2 中巴自贸区成立后中巴贸易情况 14

4.1.3 中巴自贸区成立前后中巴贸易发展对比 16

4.2 基于显性比较优势指数的中巴自贸区的潜在贸易效应识别 16

4.2.1 显性比较优势指数 16

4.2.2 基于显性比较优势指数中巴自贸区贸易效应分析 17

4.3 中巴自贸区的分产品类别贸易效应的定性分析 19

第5章 中巴自贸区对中巴贸易效应的实证分析 21

5.1 假设提出 21

5.2 模型设定 22

5.3 数据来源 23

5.4 实证结果 24

5.5 实证结果分析 25

第6章 结论和建议 28

参考文献 30

附 录 32

致 谢 35

第1章 绪论





大多数学者选择引力模型来探究贸易效应。贸易引力模型由牛顿的万有引力定律中演化而来,主张两国贸易额与其经济规模呈正相关,与两国间的实际距离呈负相关。陈雯(2009)利用贸易引力模型“单国模式” 对中国和133个贸易伙伴的贸易数据进行分析, 考察CAFTA的建立对中国对东盟国家进出口贸易额的影响,文章指出,中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立在一定程度上对中国和东盟国家的进出口贸易起促进作用[1];谢建国(2014)运用引力模型,基于中国与21个贸易协定成员国的双边贸易流量数据,研究中国签署的区域贸易协定的影响,指出贸易量的大小与贸易双方的经济规模、共同语言因素呈正相关关系,而与贸易双方实际人均GDP差额、贸易距离等因素呈负相关关系[2];程伟晶(2014)利用三阶段引力模型,基于中国与东盟十国和其他十个参考国家的2005年-2011年的数据分析中国-东盟自由贸易区的贸易效应,指出中国-东盟自由贸易区的建立具有较大的贸易创造效应,但贸易转移效应不明显[3]

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