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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2022-03-23 19:41:35  


摘 要


关键词:中美贸易 贸易摩擦 对策研究

Research on the Current Situation and Measures of China -US trade


With the continuously deepening China’s reform and opening up,the comprehensive national strength has continuously improved. The international trade relationship between China and the United States is becoming more and more closely. At the same time, trade issues between China and the United States have become increasingly prominent, resulting in increasing trade friction. Especially after the outbreak of the international financial crisis, the trade frictions between two countries are obvious, and the scale and scope have been expanded. With the policy to return to Asia and TPP of strategy formulation, new trade order will be formulated , which has effects on trading environment of our country.China needs to create their own trade environment, which is an important task for China's economic development. As the world's two largest trade countries, trade activities between the two countries greatly have influence on the the world’s trade, which become the focus of the international community. On this background, this paper will combine the relevant professional knowledge to explore the China-US trade issues, analyzing reasons for the problems and finding measures. This not only can improve the trade between China and the United States, but provide institutional and legal protection for China's enterprises , and promote the development of China's economy.

Key words: China -US trade ;trade frictions ;measures

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.2文献综述 1

1.2.1中美贸易现状的研究综述 1

1.2.2中美贸易问题及原因的研究综述 1

1.2.3中美贸易对策的研究综述 2

1.3文献评析 2

1.4研究的内容和方法 2

1.4.1研究的内容 2

1.4.2研究的方法 3

1.5论文的创新与不足 3

第二章 中美贸易现状分析 4

2.1 中美贸易发展的历史进程 4

2.2 中美贸易的规模数量 5

2.3 中美贸易的行业分布 5

第三章 中美贸易的问题研究 8

3.1 贸易逆差扩大 8

3.2贸易摩擦较多 9

3.3贸易商品结构差异大 10

3.4 贸易秩序发生变化 12

第四章 中美贸易问题的原因分析 14

4.1 中美贸易失衡的原因 14

4.1.1国际产业转移因素 14

4.1.2 外商对华直接投资的增加 14

4.2 中美贸易摩擦的原因 14

4.2.1 市场和经济体制的差异 14

4.2.2 美国的贸易保护主义 15

4.2.3 中国产品的低成本优势 15

4.3 中美贸易商品结构差异大的原因 16

4.3.1 中国商品的低附加值 16

4.3.2 美国对华科技产品出口的限制 16

4.4 TPP产生的原因及影响 16

4.4.1 TPP产生的原因 16

4.4.2 TPP对中国的影响 17

第五章 促进中美贸易发展的对策研究 18

5.1企业角度 18

5.1.1加强对外直接投资 18

5.1.2积极寻求法律支持 18

5.1.3提高产品技术含量 18

5.2政府角度 19

5.2.1完善对外贸易体制 19

5.2.2加强国内经济改革 19

5.2.3引导出口产业结构优化 19

5.2.4积极参与倡导国际贸易秩序制定 20

结语 21

参考文献 22

致谢 23

  1. 绪论




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