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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2022-03-05 22:05:53  


摘 要



关键词:中韩FTA 农产品贸易 全球贸易分析计划模型(GTAP)

The Impact of China - Korea FTA on Bilateral Agricultural Trade and the Countermeasures


Recently, bilateral relations between China and South Korea have become increasingly serious, and the economic exchanges between the two countries are facing unprecedented challenges. However, bilateral economic free trade agreements have grown into a conventional economic phenomenon in the context of today's economic globalization is an irreversible trend. Although the current relationship between China and South Korea has become bad, but the two sides as an important trading partner, still need to strengthen bilateral trade cooperation. With the signing of the China-Korea Free Trade Agreement on June 1, 2015, this will promote the export of agricultural products between the two countries.

This paper focuses on the analysis of the status and characteristics of agricultural trade between the two countries, and delves into the trade friction between China and South Korea. In addition, the GTAP model can be used to simulate the impact of the FTA implementation on bilateral trade in agricultural products, so I use this model to find a solution to achieve mutually beneficial win-win situation between the two countries. The main research contents of this paper include the bilateral trade scale of agricultural products between China and South Korea, the proportion of China's agricultural exports to the total agricultural products, the share of agricultural exports in China's total agricultural exports; China and South Korea FTA on China's agricultural trade effects Analysis of the impact of China and South Korea FTA on China's agricultural trade.

Keywords: China and South Korea FTA; Agricultural Trade; GTAP


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2研究理论 1

1.3研究方法及内容 2

第二章 中韩农产品贸易现状 4

2.1中韩农产品双边贸易规模 4

2.2中韩之间农产品进口额占对方农产品出口总额比重 5

2.3中韩之间农产品出口额占本国农产品出口总额比重 6

第三章 中韩农产品贸易摩擦问题 7

3.1中国遭遇农产品出口绿色壁垒 7

3.2 韩国贸易保护政策 7

3.3国际价格竞争带来的摩擦 8

第四章 FTA下中韩农产品贸易影响的模型分析 9

4.1 GTAP模型分析 9

4.1.1国家及产品部门划分 9

4.1.2模拟情境设定及分析 9

4.2分析结果总结 11

4.2.1短期影响 11

4.2.2长期影响 11

第五章 中韩FTA对农产品贸易建议与对策 12

5.1政府层面 12

5.1.1 深化和韩国的合作基础,增强政治互信 12

5.1.2 建立技术性壁垒预警机制 12

5.1.3 加大对农业扶持力度 12

5.1.4 建立农产品质量标准体系 13

5.2企业层面 13

5.2.1 研究开发绿色农产品,提高产品质量 13

5.2.2 学习农产品营销知识,树立农产品品牌化发展观念 13

5.2.3 走农产品深加工道路,增加农产品产品附加值 14

结语 15

参考文献 16

致谢 17

第一章 绪论


世界经济自上世纪起已掀起若干自由贸易协议(Free Trade Agreement下文统称为FTA)的浪潮。虽然如今国与国之间的贸易谈判变得日渐困难,但是由于全球经济在朝着贸易自由化的轨道上前行,因此构建或加入自由贸易区这是不可逆转的潮流,许多国家也借此来希望与他国建立关税互免或优惠。市场准入和区域内贸易自由化能够扩充贸易规模,刺激投资和经济的迅速提升,参与国家也能分享贸易自由化的红利。



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