2022-01-30 19:28:13
摘 要
关键词:农村电商 最后一公里 物流模式
The Study On “Last Kilometer” Logistics Model Of Rural Electronic Business
In recent years, with the increase of the popularity of the rural network and the improvement of the network environment, e-commerce is no longer the exclusive of the city. The rural e-commerce has already become one of the key points of economic development. The logistics of supporting e-commerce is also subsiding, and the rural e-commerce logistics is derived from the rural e-commerce. And the rural infrastructure is backward. And so on, the rural e-commerce logistics has experienced the problem of "last mile" distribution, which has greatly affected the online shopping experience of rural residents, hindering the development of rural electricity providers.
This paper first analyzes the "last kilometre" development status of rural e-commerce and rural e-commerce, and points out the problems facing "the last kilometre". Secondly, it studies the "last kilometer" logistics distribution mode of the rural e-commerce "Alibaba" and "Jingdong" which are the most representative of the two major e-commerce platforms. In view of the existing problems, put forward the conception of logistics distribution ecosystem.
Key Words: rural electronic business; last kilometer; logistics model
摘要 Ⅰ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 农村电商物流配送模式概述 1
1.2 最后一公里 1
1.3 研究农村电商“最后一公里”物流配送模式的意义 2
1.3.1 提升农村居民网购满意度 2
1.3.2 实现物流效益增值 2
1.3.3 打通城乡双向流通渠道 2
第二章 农村电商“最后一公里”现状与问题分析 3
2.1 农村电商“最后一公里”发展现状 3
2.1.1 农村电商发展现状数据分析 3
2.1.2 农村电商物流“最后一公里”现状 4
2.2 农村电商“最后一公里”物流配送存在的问题 5
2.2.1 基础设施落后 5
2.2.2 成本高,物流企业积极性不高 5
2.2.3 配送服务质量差 5
2.2.4 物流人才缺乏 6
第三章 电商巨头的农村电商“最后一公里” 7
3.1 阿里模式 7
3.1.1 千县万乡计划 7
3.1.2 菜鸟网络与菜鸟联盟 7
3.1.3 阿里模式概述 8
3.1.4 阿里农村电商“最后一公里”物流配送模式存在的缺陷 8
3.2 京东模式 9
3.2.1 B2C模式 9
3.2.2 京东无人机农村物流配送 9
3.2.3 京东便利店 9
3.2.4 京东在农村电商“最后一公里”物流配送模式中存在的问题 10
3.3 阿里和京东就农村电商“最后一公里”物流配送模式优劣势对比 10
第四章 农村电商“最后一公里”物流配送生态圈 12
4.1 政府牵头,倡导各方联营 12
4.1.1 第四方物流平台 13
4.1.2 物流联盟公司 13
4.1.3 乡村公共交通与物流配送体系结合 13
4.1.4 综合服务站 14
4.2 农村基础设施和物流基础设施建设 14
4.2.1 新农村建设中集中规划居民区和道路建设 13
4.2.2 加大派件设备投入 14
4.3 农村电商物流人才培养 14
结语 15
致谢 16
参考文献 17
第一章 绪论
1.1 农村电商物流配送模式概述
1.2 最后一公里