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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2021-12-22 22:02:50  


摘 要




关键词:贸易保护主义 特朗普政府 中美经贸关系

A Study on the Impact of Protectionism by Trump Administration on Sino-American Economic and Trade Relations


Although the implementation of free trade policy is the mainstream, the trade protection policy is also used for a long time in the international trade. In order to develop the economic and trade relations with other countries, each county must reasonably weight the advantages and disadvantages of the two policies when developing the international trade. As the fastest developing country in the world, the opening-door policy, carrying out mutual benefit and win-win cooperation with other countries are principles that China has always adhered to.

Donald Trump officially took office as the 45th president of America in 2017. Since taking office, President Trump has strongly advocated American interests first and has implemented a series of protectionist policies, beyond that, the China -United States trade war, which he launched on the grounds of Sino-America trade imbalance, has had a vital impact on the economies of both countries and even the world economy. Trade exchanges occur frequently between two countries, so the existence of trade friction is inevitable. Excessive protectionism advocated by the Trump administration will only impede the economic development of the two countries.

This paper mainly analyzes the trade protection policies adopted by American president Trump to China after he took office, and analyzes the influence of trade protection on China. On the basis of reference to a large number of literatures on how to develop Sino-America economic and trade relations put forward reasonable suggestions.

Key Words: Trade Protectionism; Trump Administration; Sino-American Economic and Trade Relations


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

第二章 中美经贸关系的历史发展 3

2.1发展概况 3

2.1.1两国经贸历史简介 3

2.1.2中国加入WTO后发展概况 4

2.2近年中美贸易摩擦概况 4

2.3近年中美贸易摩擦的原因分析 5

2.3.1中国综合实力增强成为世界大国 5

2.3.2不同体制下的经贸纠纷 5

2.3.3对未来国际经济秩序与全球经贸规则的博弈 6

2.4中美贸易摩擦给中国经济发展带来的挑战 6

第三章 特朗普上台后中美经贸发展 8

3.1特朗普政府贸易保护政策的主要内容 8

3.1.1征收惩罚性关税,限制进出口 8

3.1.2退出TPP,主张双边贸易协定 9

3.2特朗普政府贸易保护的主要原因 10

3.2.1巨额贸易逆差阻碍美国经济增长 10

3.2.2中国经济的迅速崛起 10

3.2.3特朗普政府的政治诉求 11

第四章 特朗普贸易保护主义对中美经贸的影响 12

4.1对中国经济的积极影响 12

4.1.1推进亚太地区经贸合作,提高中国国际地位 12

4.1.2抓住机遇提高科技实力,增强自主创新 12

4.2对中国经济的消极影响 13

4.2.1我国进出口贸易受阻,中美双边贸易额下降 13

4.2.2产业空心化加剧,企业竞争压力增强 13

4.2.3投资环境恶化,外资对华直接投资减少 13

4.3对中国发展中美经贸关系的建议 14

4.3.1推动两国经济对话,加强战略互信 14

4.3.2深化改革开放,提高自主创新能力 15

4.3.3改善贸易结构,促进进出口市场多元化发展 15

4.3.4积极应对贸易摩擦,充分利用WTO规则和争端解决机制 16

结语 17

参考文献 18

致谢 20

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景




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