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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2021-10-22 21:45:07  

摘 要




This paper summarizes the connotation of High-quality Economic Development under the circumstance of the new normal of China’s economy. After measuring the level of regional high-quality economic development according to the index system constructed in this paper, based on the relevant data collected from 30 provinces in Mainland, China during the period from 2008 to 2017, this paper turns to study about the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and the regional high-quality economic development through empirical analysis. The results of the research show that FDI has a notable positive effect on the high-quality development of the regional economy and is conducive to improving the level of development. At the meantime, urbanization and scientific and technological investment are also of great significance to the high-quality development of the regional economy, while the excessive degree of industrialization is playing a negative role in the new stage of development. Based on the understandings above, we propose three recommendations from the perspective of government, hoping to attract more foreign capital of high quality and make effective use of them by means of transforming the foreign investment policy. Moreover, improves scientific and technological innovation capabilities and keeps marching in the path of urbanization to promoting high quality development of economy.

Key Words: regional high-quality of economic development;foreign direct investment;five new concepts of development

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究方法 2

1.3.1 文献综述法 2

1.3.2 理论分析法 2

1.3.3 实证研究法 2

第2章 文献综述 3

2.1 经济高质量发展 3

2.1.1 内涵解读层面 3

2.1.2 评价指标体系构建层面 3

2.2 外商直接投资(FDI) 4

2.3 文献评述 5

第3章 理论分析 7

3.1 动力机制方面 7

3.2 经济结构方面 8

3.3 发展稳定方面 8

3.4 社会民生方面 9

3.5 生态环境方面 9

第4章 实证研究设计与模型构建 10

4.1 区域经济高质量发展水平测度说明 10

4.1.1 指标体系构建及释义 10

4.1.2 数据来源与处理 11

4.1.3 测算方法说明 12

4.2 区域经济高质量发展水平测算结果阐释 13

4.2.1 总体时序分析 13

4.2.2 省际比较分析 13

4.3 基本计量模型 15

4.3.1 模型设定 15

4.3.2 变量说明 15

第5章 实证研究结果与分析 17

5.1 模型设定检验 17

5.1.1 单位根检验与协整检验 17

5.1.2 F检验 18

5.1.3 豪斯曼检验 18

5.2 多元线性回归 18

5.2.1模型回归结果 18

5.2.2 回归结果分析 19

第6章 结论 21

参考文献 22

致 谢 23

附 录 24

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景


伴随着改革开放的推进,我国引进并实际利用的外商直接投资(Foreign Direct Investment, FDI)在规模和增速上均得到了大幅的提升。根据中华人民共和国商务部官方数据,2017年中国实际吸收外资1363亿美元,位居世界第二且后续的增长空间可观,被世界银行认为是成功利用外资的典范。FDI在增加资本供给、劳动力需求的同时,也推动了工业化进程、技术进步和经济结构的升级[2],并在一定程度上倒逼了改革的进行和制度的变迁,在拉动我国经济增长、促进经济发展等的过程中起到了不可忽视的积极作用。

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