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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2021-10-19 22:33:13  

摘 要






With the gradual deepening of production globalization and economic integration, the barriers to mutual trade and direct and indirect investment between various countries have fallen. Today, the international division of labor system dominated by the global value chain (GVC) has become its most obvious development feature . While advocating "Made in China 2025", more and more scholars have begun to pay attention to and analyze various factors that affect China's position and participation in the global value chain, trying to solve the current problems of participating in the global The "low-end locking" problem encountered in the division of labor system. Under this background, the relationship between the degree of financing constraints and the status of the global value chain has also become one of the issues that scholars have paid close attention to.

This paper uses the method of binary logistic regression analysis, selects multiple indicators that can reflect internal and external financing, and constructs a comprehensive index of financing constraints to measure the financing constraints faced by various regions of my country. At the same time, through China's interregional input-output table, calculate the participation, status and methods of GVC in the eight major regions of China, and analyze the degree of difference in embedding GVC between different regions.

The empirical results found that the differences in financing constraints, GVC status, and participation among regions are relatively large. Among them, the relative participation of GVC in coastal areas is relatively high, and because all regions mainly participate in GVC through processing and assembly, the overall GVC status is low, and its sensitivity is from southwest, central, northeast, southern coastal, northern coastal The region, the whole sample, the northwest region, the Beijing-Tianjin region and the eastern coastal region increased sequentially. From the perspective of GVC participation, the sensitivity increases from the southern coastal area, southwestern area, central area, northeast area, full sample, eastern coastal area, northern area, Beijing-Tianjin area, and northwestern area. From the perspective of trends, the differences in the degree of financing constraints of various regions are gradually converging, and the GVC status and participation of various regions have increased significantly from 2002 to 2012. From the perspective of the degree of difference between regions, the gap between GVC status and participation in each region is narrowing. The above conclusions provide a reference for coordinating the development of GVC between regions and reducing financing constraints.

Key Words:global value chain;financing constraints;location advantage


摘 要 2

Abstract 2

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 文献综述 2

1.3.1融资约束衡量指标的文献综述 2

1.3.2 全球价值链测度的文献综述 4

1.3.3 融资约束对全球价值链地位提升影响的文献综述 5

1.3.4 文献评述 5

第二章 融资约束对全球价值链地位提升的理论分析 7

2.1 交易成本理论 7

2.2 技术革新理论 7

第三章 融资约束指标的构建及分析 9

3.1数据划分及预分组 9

3.1.1数据划分 9

3.1.2 预分组 9

3.2 变量选择 9

3.3 Logistic 模型回归 12

3.4结果分析 13

第四章 融资约束影响各区域嵌入全球价值链的实证分析 14

4.1 嵌入区域的世界投入产出表链接 14

4.2 区域增加值贸易分解方法 14

4.3各区域GVC参与度及地位测算 16

4.4 计量模型设定及分析 18

4.5小结 20

第五章 政策建议及结论 22

5.1 分类引导经济主体参与国际分工 22

5.2优化各区域发展协同布局 23

5.3 结论 24

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第一章 绪论


随着经济全球化和经济一体化进程的加速和各类技术尤其是信息通讯、包装运输等的不断进步,各国各个行业之间的联系显著加强,而以跨国公司为主要个体的要素全球配置使得各类产品的生产链和价值链在各个国家之间不断的细化、延伸、变化,在这样的背景下,全球价值链逐渐成为国际分工下的经济全球化新常态。而中国凭借各类的资源禀赋优势以及自身丰富的劳动力要素在入世后快速的嵌入到 GVC 中。通过海关总署发布的最新统计数据显示,中国进出口贸易总额从2001年的4.2万亿人民币增长到2019年的30万亿人民币,在加入WTO后的近20年,中国的对外贸易发展速度世界瞩目。然而,虽然中国一方面继续保持了其在全球贸易体系中的大国地位,并通过其所承担的价值增值部分分享全球化的发展红利;但另一方面,中国当前的发展模式,依旧是通过投入劳动要素和资源禀赋优势参与到劳动密集型行业的加工生产装配环节,而许多核心技术依旧掌握在外资企业手中,许多企业尤其是小微企业的技术创新能力以及品牌运营能力依旧十分不足,加之发达国家尤其是美国严苛的技术封锁,从当下来看,不可避免地陷入了“比较优势陷阱”和“低端锁定”的险境。面对当前主要矛盾即经济发展不平衡不充分的问题,党中央十九大报告进一步指出,要促进我国各类产业尤其是关乎国计民生的重要行业迈向中高端,培育若干世界级先进的制造业群体,在保持稳定的前提下推进更高层次经济开放,不断增强我国的科技实力和综合国力。


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