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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2021-10-13 19:54:48  

摘 要







With the progress of the world economy, the economic relations within different countries are much closer. Meanwhile, many countries are always seeking for wider international cooperation. With the international trend, the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” initiative was proposed by China based on the territories of two ancient Silk Roads, containing the major countries and regions that cooperate in national trade with China for the past few years. As one of the core areas, Fujian is supposed to play an important part in this process.

This paper first sums up the current situation of foreign trade of Fujian province, and concluded the strengths and weaknesses facing the building of the core area. The strengths are long history, geographic advantages and the amount of overseas Chinese. And the weaknesses are unreasonable commodity composition and the regional development imbalance. “the Belt and the Road initiative” brings better international trade environment and more trade access, also brings the challenges for strengthen the foundation of cooperation with ASEAN and complete the transportation network. Then, based on what is mentioned above, the paper bring up six strategies in three aspects: SO, WO and ST through SWOT analysis.

The research conclusion of this paper indicates that based on the strengths and weaknesses of Fujian’s international trade, facing the opportunities and challenges brought by “the Belt and the Road”, Fujian should make use of the SWOT analysis and take the strategies of readjusting industrial structure, supporting the less developed areas, attaching importance to ASEAN, completing transportation system, making use of overseas Chinese network and developing marine industry.

The textual characteristics are that: based on the current situation of international trade of Fujian and the influences brought by “the Belt and the Road”, the SWOT analysis is used to analyze the strategies of the international trade in Fujian.

Key Words:the Belt and the Road; foreign trade; SWOT analysis


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 论文写作的目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文创新点 2

第2章 福建省对外贸易在“一带一路”下的优势与劣势 3

2.1福建省对外贸易的现状 3

2.2 福建省对外贸易在“一带一路”下的优势 5

2.2.1 历史文化底蕴深厚 5

2.2.2 地缘优势明显 6

2.2.3 华人华侨资源丰富 6

2.3 福建省对外贸易在“一带一路”下的劣势 7

2.3.1 出口商品结构不合理 7

2.3.2 地区对外发展不平衡 7

第3章 “一带一路”战略对福建省对外贸易的影响 9

3.1 “一带一路”给福建省带来的机遇 9

3.1.1 与沿线国家贸易环境优化 9

3.1.2 与东盟各国合作机会增多 9

3.1.3 给海洋经济带来广阔市场 11

3.2 “一带一路”给福建省带来的挑战 12

3.2.1 与东盟经济合作的基础薄弱 12

3.2.2 国际交通运输体系尚不完善 12

第4章 福建省在“一带一路”下发展对外贸易的SWOT战略 14

4.1 WO战略 14

4.1.1 发展第三产业,改善商品结构 14

4.1.2 支持落后地区,全面发展贸易 15

4.2 ST战略 15

4.2.1 重视东盟市场,扩大贸易规模 16

4.2.2 完善交通体系,改善贸易条件 17

4.3 SO战略 17

4.3.1 利用闽商网络,支持企业“走出去” 17

4.3.2 发展海洋产业,加强海洋经济合作 18

第5章 结论 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第1章 绪论

1.1 论文写作的目的及意义



1.2 相关文献综述


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