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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2021-10-08 18:53:21  

摘 要






The world’s nuclear power has developed for more than half a century, and has experienced many twists and turns, currently formed a pattern of uneven strength development. In the background of a recovering global nuclear power industry, our country is accelerating the advance of domestic nuclear power plant construction, introducing and absorbing technology in developed countries, vigorously promoting the core technology of independent research, and seeking cooperation of sea resources development worldwide. 
France and the United States are countries with advanced technology on developing nuclear power in the world. At present, in addition to zealously biding all over the world, the United States is also conforming to the change of international market demand, actively funding to support new technology and new concept of development, enhancing the export competitiveness of nuclear power. Using joint government and enterprises to achieve division and cooperation, the US is setting the strategic layout of future international market. France frequently takes part in the acquisition or equity participation, through cooperative research and powerful alliances, its technical strength was enhanced. While realizing the technological adjustment of new demand for international market, France achieved strategic expansion of overseas markets step by step. 
Based on the development trend of world's nuclear power market, this paper first outlined the history and present situation of nuclear power in our country, then analyzed and summarized the nuclear industry and export experience of United States and France, two developed countries and nuclear superpowers. Finally, applying their experience as reference, we put forward some ideas and suggestions for nuclear power development under Chinese practice and the policy of "The Belt and Road Initiative". 

Key Words: nuclear power; export; market orientation; win-win cooperation

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2研究思路和方法 1

1.3国内外研究现状分析 2

第2章 国内核电产业发展状况概述 3

2.1发展历程 3

2.2核电布局 4

第3章 核电出口现状及问题分析 5

3.1出口现状 5

3.1.1在发达国家英国进行核电项目投资建设 5

3.1.2在发展中国家阿根廷进行核电项目投资建设 5

3.2我国核电出口存在的问题 6

第4章 核电强国核电工业发展及海外市场拓展经验 7

4.1美国 7

4.1.1美国核电发展历史及经验 7

4.1.2美国核电出口现状与经验 11

4.2法国 13

4.2.1法国核电发展历史及经验 13

4.2.2法国核电出口现状与经验 15

第5章 对我国核电“走出去”的建议 17

5.1以市场为导向,选择和创新“出海”的核电技术 17

5.2整合产业链,抱团出海,组成核电“国家队” 17

5.3加强与核电强国的合作,加强技术与供需共识 17

5.4寻找合作机会“借船”出海,应用多种商业模式 17

参考文献 19

致谢 19

第1章 绪论



我国采取自主创新为主,引进为辅的办法发展核电,在法国技术的基础上,自主研发出三代反应堆“华龙一号”技术:自2003年国务院核电领导小组主张核电站设计放弃二代堆,更新为三代堆之后,我国核电研发和投产的方向沿着引进三代堆的路线前进。2008年我国成立国家核电,同年就从美国引进AP1000核电技术并计划学习和吸收。但AP1000在当时还没有建成首堆,保险起见,我国基于法国引进技术自行研制的二代堆CNP1000和CPR1000获得机会,分别吸收AP1000和法国ERP的思路和经验,沿着各自原先的道路研发出ACP1000和ACPR1000 ,这两个皆为三代堆型,后来国家力量使之合二为一变为“华龙一号”,但两版本仍保留各自特色,等待市场和实践检验。


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