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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2021-04-04 23:42:32  

摘 要



本文通过介绍和对比中美两国近年来农产品贸易方面的基本情况与产生摩擦的具体表现,概括出了贸易摩擦对两国农产品贸易产生的负面影响,包括损害中国农民切身利益,阻碍两国农产品贸易健康发展,影响中国出口等。然后结合经济学原理探究出了产生影响的部分原因,包括以国家利益至上为原则 ,贸易不平衡性,经济水平差异等。最后结合我国实际情况对缓解贸易摩擦提出了适当的建议,希望能够从提高农产品质量,完善农产品出口体系和市场多元化等方面来降低两国贸易摩擦对我国农产品贸易带来的不良影响。



Since Trump took office as US president, the trade conflict between China and the United States has been continuously strengthened, and trade frictions have become more and more prominent. In 2018, China and the United States have started a trade war. Sino-US bilateral trade has occupied an important position in both foreign trade and even world trade, but at the same time Sino-US trade friction has become increasingly frequent.

Sino-US trade friction is one of the important factors affecting the diplomatic relations between the two countries. It is also a problem that has always existed in the diplomatic relations between the two countries, especially since the US financial crisis has become more and more serious. Agricultural trade has an irreplaceable position in international trade, and agricultural trade friction has become a new problem in the trade between the two countries. Since ancient times, China has been a big agricultural country. The trade of agricultural products has played a key role in foreign trade. The trade friction between China and the United States has seriously affected China’s economic interests. It is related to the vital interests of hundreds of millions of farmers and finds Sino-US agricultural trade. The cause of friction and the solution to it are not to be treated.

By introducing and comparing the basic situation of agricultural trade in China and the United States in recent years and the specific performance of friction, this paper summarizes the negative impact of trade friction on agricultural trade between the two countries, including harming the vital interests of Chinese farmers and hindering the agricultural products of the two countries. The healthy development of trade affects China's exports. Then combined with the principles of economics, it explores some of the reasons for the impact, including the principle of supremacy of national interests, trade imbalance, and differences in economic levels. Finally, combined with China's actual situation, it puts forward appropriate suggestions for easing trade friction, hoping to reduce the adverse effects of trade friction between the two countries on China's agricultural trade from improving agricultural product quality, improving agricultural product export system and market diversification.

Key Words:Trade friction;Agricultural Products;Countermeasure

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 选题目的和意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.3 研究内容 2

第2章 中美农产品贸易概况 3

2.1 中国农产品贸易现状 3

2.2 中国从美国进口农产品情况 3

2.3 中国农产品出口情况 3

2.4 中美农产品贸易对比 4

第3章 贸易摩擦对农产品贸易的影响 5

3.1 中美农产品贸易摩擦的表现 5

3.2 中美农产品贸易摩擦的原因 5

3.2.1 经济实力尚有差距 5

3.2.2 农产品贸易不平衡 5

3.2.3 国家利益至上 5

3.2.4 贸易制度差异 6

3.2.5 经济全球化 6

3.3 具体影响 7

3.3.1 破坏了正常的中美贸易关系 7

3.3.2 贸易摩擦对我国的出口限制较大 7

3.3.3 贸易摩擦会影响我国农民的切身利益 7

3.3.4 贸易摩擦会进一步影响两国贸易的发展 7

第4章 缓解及降低贸易摩擦的对策 8

4.1 提高农产品质量 8

4.1.1 国家扶持,农产品技术革新 8

4.1.2 规模生产,提高农业生产率 8

4.1.3 加大“绿箱政策“投入 8

4.1.4 调整“黄箱政策”支出 8

4.2 完善农产品出口体制 8

4.3 市场多元化,避免市场结构单一 8

4.4 积极利用WTO规则 9

4.5 建立农产品行业协会等协调组织 9

参考文献 10

致 谢 11

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题目的和意义



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