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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 经济学类 > 国际经济与贸易 > 正文


 2021-02-24 10:33:34  

摘 要


关键词:全球价值链 增加值出口 总出口分解


International trade has been increasing under the tide of globalization, and international division of labor has intensified the flow of products and trade. However, under the further research of the global value chain and the trade in value-added accounting theory, the defects of the traditional customs statistics are becoming increasingly evident. Only by simple entry and exit of goods as standard of accounting of import and export volume ignores the fact that exists in which the flow and decomposition of value. The statistical results are often higher than the actual virtual trade, therefore,it has more important practical significance to reflect the trade condition of a country or an industry via trade in value-added accounting.On the basis of the world input-output table,the paper calculate the trade of manufacturer of machinery and equipment industry in China and Germany in the view of trade in value-added accounting. The work calculates the value-added export and value-added import of the industry in China and Germany respectively,and decomposes the total export of the industry in each of them. The paper finds that although China achieves lower absolute value in value-added export of this industry, the rate of that by total export is higher than that in Germany and has a growth trend, which show good performance. However compared to Germany, China development still shows the defects of less absolute amount,not solid foundation, unstable development and the weak of core competitiveness.

Key words: Global Value Chain; value-added export; decomposing of total export

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1引言 1

1.2文献综述 2

第2章 两国机械设备行业贸易现状 4

2.1中国与德国内部机械与设备行业贸易现状 4

2.2中国与德国机械与设备行业贸易现状比较 5

第3章 模型与数据 8

3.1全球价值链与增加值贸易概念及研究意义 8

3.2增加值贸易核算理论简述 9

3.2.1投入产出表与投入产出模型 9

3.2.2增加值贸易核算方法 10

3.2.3数据来源与说明 11

第4章 计算结果与分析 12

4.1增加值出口与增加值进口分析比较 12

4.1.1 两国各自增加值进出口比较 12

4.1.2中国与德国机械与设备行业增加值出口与增加值进口比较 13

4.2总出口成分分解 15

第5章 结论与建议 18

参考文献 20

致 谢 21

第1章 绪论




全球价值链概念(Global Value Chain)最早由Koopman在1995年提出,指的是在全球生产网络中,每个国家由于特定的生产阶段进行的活动而获得的增加值收入。由于在全球价值链视角下,对国际分工的测度存在巨大困难,该类研究最初只停留在案例分析阶段,2001年,Hummels D、Ishii J 和K Yi等人提出了狭义的垂直专业化概念使测量具有实际可行性(2001,HIY方法)。经过数十年的数据可获得性的提高与深入研究,KPWW最终于2010年提出较为完整的核算理论,并将传统贸易核算与增加值贸易核算纳入到统一框架下,从增加值角度以实证的方法分解真实展示了一国贸易额各构成部分。

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