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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-04-29 19:56:17  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求

要求完成以下报告内容: 1、国外头盔立法发展史,整理美国、澳大利亚等国家的头盔立法背景、立法过程,指出其借鉴意义,做好文献综述报告; 2、头盔的发展史,梳理国外头盔的发展过程,做好综述报告; 3、国内电动自行车头盔立法报告,整理国内各地在头盔立法方面的工作。

主要毕设内容: 1、国内外头盔立法的综述:分析国外头盔立法的过程、其借鉴意义;分析国内电动自行车头盔立法的障碍。



2. 参考文献

Zamani, F. A., Bazargan, M., Shafiei, A., Bazargan, H. S. (2011). The frequency and predictors of helmet use among Iranian motorcyclists: A quantitative and qualitative study. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 43, 1562#8211;1569. Ulmer, R. G., Preusser, D. F., 2003. Evaluation of the repeal of motorcycle helmet laws in Kentucky and Louisiana. DOT HS 809 602. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation. Yu, W. Y., Chen, C. Y., Chiu, W. T., Lin, M. R. (2011). Effectiveness of different types of motorcycle helmets and effects of their improper use on head injuries. International Journal of Epidemiology, 40, 794#8211;803. Passmore, J., Tu, N. T., Luong, M. A., Chinh, N. D., Nam, N. P. (2010). Impact of mandatory motorcycle helmet wearing legislation on head injuries in Viet Nam: Results of a preliminary analysis. Traffic Injury Prevention, 11, 202#8211;206. Oginni, F. O., Ugboko, V. I., Adewole, R. A. (2007). Knowledge, attitude, and practice of Nigerian commercial motorcyclists in the use of crash helmet and other safety measures. Traffic Injury Prevention, 8, 137#8211;141. 缪明月,栗继红,蔡娜. 非机动车驾驶人佩戴安全头盔相关问题[ J ] . 道路交通与安全,2007(1): 12-14.

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