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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-04-21 17:12:41  

摘 要


关键词:平面设计 路基设计 路面设计 挡土墙设计 排水设计

Construction drawing of the 2nd section of X401 man bai xian


This paper is based on the design of the new road section of X401 man bai xian. Through the road design specification, the optimal road design plan is obtained by referring to the design terrain hydrological conditions. On the basis of determining the route direction, the road graphic design is carried out to obtain the road linear elements. On the basis of the completion of the plane linear design, the longitudinal section design is obtained by the design of the slope and the vertical curve. After the earthwork calculation, the roadbed design table is obtained, which provides data support for the cross-section design, and the slope stability analysis is improved through the roadbed design. According to the height of the road and the direction of the road, choose the appropriate type of retaining wall to avoid geological disasters. According to the climatic conditions of the design section, choose the appropriate asphalt pavement design. Finally, the roadbed design scheme designed the drainage facilities. In the design process of this paper, detailed design results are obtained by combining book knowledge with computer-aided design software such as HintCAD.

Keywords: graphic design; subgrade design; pavement design; retaining wall design; drainage design

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

第二章 总体设计 2

2.1 工程概况 2

2.2 选线原则 2

2.3 选线的步骤和方法 2

2.4 方案确定 3

2.5 交点位置、交点间距、转角确定 3

第三章 平面设计 5

3.1 平面设计一般原则 5

3.2 平曲线要素组合设计 5

3.3 计算缓和曲线要素值 6

3.4 平面设计成果 8

第四章 纵断面设计 9

4.1 纵断面设计介绍 9

4.2 拉坡设计 9

4.3 竖曲线设计 9

4.4 设计高程与填挖高度计算 11

第五章 横断面设计 12

5.1 横断面设计要求 12

5.2 横断面设计综述 12

5.2.1 行车道宽度 12

5.2.2 路肩宽度 12

5.2.3 路拱坡度 12

5.2.4 加宽设计 13

5.2.5 超高过渡方式 13

5.2.6 计算超高缓和段长度 13

第六章 路基设计 16

6.1 路基设计 16

6.1.1 路基横断面布置 16

6.1.2 路基边坡 16

6.1.3 路基排水设计 16

6.1.4 路基土石方计算 17

6.2 挡土墙设计 17

第七章 沥青路面设计 18

7.1 项目概况 18

7.2 交通参数 18

7.3 车辆当量设计轴载换算 20

7.4 路面材料 22

7.4.1 路基回弹模量 22

7.4.2 结构以及厚度拟定 23

7.4.3 基层与底基层材料弯拉强度和回弹模量 23

7.4.4 沥青面层动态压缩模量 24

7.4.5 泊松比 24

7.5 路面结构验算 24

7.5.1 石灰粉煤灰稳定碎石基层疲劳开裂验算 25

7.5.2 石灰土底基层疲劳开裂验算 27

7.5.3 沥青混合料永久变形 27

7.5.4 低温开裂指数计算 29

7.6 防冻厚度验算 29

7.7 最终设计成果 30

结 语 31

参考文献 32






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