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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-04-12 16:52:29  

摘 要



Research on Urban Public Transit Transformation Methods for Rural Passenger Transport Lines

Abstract: As we all know, rural passenger transport is an important part of the four basic livelihood guarantees for human beings. It is the people's most concerned, most direct, and most realistic interest. It is closely related to the production and life of the people in the vast rural areas. Public transportation is one of the infrastructures in rural areas and is an indispensable link between the political, economic, and cultural life between urban and rural areas. With the rapid development of the national economy, the rural areas are also undergoing a process of constant transformation. Traffic congestion has become more frequent and travel has become more inconvenient. At present, most of the county-level cities in China have not yet compiled a rural passenger transport system plan. Some county-level cities directly apply urban public transport planning theory to guide the development of rural passenger transport. It is difficult to reflect the actual development of the rural passenger transport market. Based on this situation, this article mainly elaborates on the basic theories of urban-rural public transport integration, and mainly elaborates the definition and development history of urban and rural public transport, the definition of urban-rural public transport, the research objects, and the characteristics of urban-rural public transport integration; At the same time, the method of planning and layout of rural passenger traffic network was also elaborated. The principle of line network layout, analysis of line network structure, layout of line network, method of line network layout, and adjustment and optimization method of transfer lines with urban passenger transport were mainly elaborated. In addition, the method of site planning and layout was studied, mainly including site layout principles, site classification, site layout methods, etc. The fourth aspect was mainly the capacity estimation and transportation organization research, which mainly elaborated the capacity of mainline vehicles and the capacity of regional vehicles. Equipped with the integration of urban and rural transport organizations, "transportation" transformation of passenger transport lines, and rural passenger transport area franchise. Through research and analysis of these contents, it is possible to help rural passenger trains run better, and it is also possible to explain in detail the methods of urban bus transformation, to promote the transformation of urban public transport in rural passenger transport in China, and to strengthen the economy in rural areas. Construction and development.

Keywords: rural passenger transport line; urban public transport; transformation method; layout method; site planning


1.绪论 1

1.1研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究概况 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 2

1.3研究内容 3

1.4研究思路 4

2.城乡公交一体化基础理论 5

2.1城乡公交的定义及发展历程 5

2.1.1城乡公交的定义 5

2.1.2城乡公交的发展历程 6

2.2城乡公交一体化的定义及研究对象 7

2.2.1城乡公交一体化的定义 7

2.2.2城乡公交一体化的研究对象 7

2.3城乡公交一体化的特点 8

2.3.1区域性 8

2.3.2系统性 8

2.3.3开放性 8

2.3.4发展的过程性和动态性 9

2.4城乡公交路线运营的道路网结构分析 9

3.近郊客运班线城市公交化规划方法 10

3.1 线网改造与规划布局方法 10

3.1.1 线网规划布局原则 10

3.1.2 线网结构分析 11

3.1.3线网布局思路 12

3.1.4线网布局方法 13

3.1.5线路调整优化方法 15

3.2站点规划布局方法研究和合并 15

3.2.1站点布局原则 15

3.2.2客运班线站点分类 16

3.2.3与城市客运的换乘衔接 16

3.2.4站点布局方法 17

3.3 车辆配备与车型选择 18

3.3.1干线车辆运力配备 18

3.3.2支线车辆运力配备 18

4.客运班线公交化改造的保障措施 19

4.1加强车辆配备 19

4.2完善城乡一体化运输组织 19

4.3加强客运班线“公交化“改造力度 21

4.4遵循农村客运区域专营原则 21

4.5政策保障措施 21

5.孝感市近郊客运班线公交化改造实例分析 22

结论与展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 29









在实施公交路线建设方面,Procedia,(2017)指出在对近郊公交路线进行建设的时候需要注意对近郊公交路线的规划,需要采用比较好的线路规划方法对公交路线进行规划建设,这样可以使得城市与农村地区之间的联系变得更加紧密,有利于带动农村地区和 城市地区社会经济的可持续发展[1]

Mark Beecroft(2016)指出在对近郊线路上公交停靠站进行建设的时候需要选择合理的位置,确保近郊客运班线的公交停靠站能够涉及到更多的人们,给更多的农村人带来交通方便[2]



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