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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2022-06-05 21:50:44  


摘 要



关键字:回收包装 逆向物流网络 经济效益


Analysis of packaging recycling Logistics Model

——to the distribution service of store No.1 for NJUT college


In the online shopping popular today, a waste of resources has become increasingly prominent courier cartons. "With the domestic courier service greenhouse gas emissions measurement methods" of the review by, as the consumption of packaging materials, electricity supplier and courier companies are exploring a new way of old express package. Since this year, store No. 1, I bought net electricity supplier has been the first to encourage consumers to participate in recycling water, packaging material use, or the use of new environmentally friendly packaging materials. However, try to express company in packaging materials two times using the road is not smooth.


In this paper, Nanjing University of Technology Campus store No. 1 distribution services, for example, Survey of recovering packaging and the problems encountered. Use transportation and traffic-related environmental impacts knowledge through literature and field research on packaging waste reverse logistics summarized current situation and problems, from the perspective of an in-depth study of reverse logistics for packaging waste. Mathematical modeling method to construct packaging waste reverse logistics network model and build packaging waste reverse logistics network. According to the established reverse logistics network, propose relevant measures to protect and improve network operation. In order to improve the recovery rate, taking into account the logistics efficiency and economic benefits, to make a positive contribution to reducing environmental pollution.


Keywords: packaging recycling reverse logistics network economic benefit


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 III

第一章 绪论 1

1.1包装回收、逆向物流概述 1

1.2我国包装废弃物回收物流存在的问题 1

1.2.1回收率低 1

1.2.2回收渠道不规范 2

1.2.3分类工作滞后 2

1.2.4物流处理技术落后 2

1.2.5缺乏回收物流的理念 3

1.3课题意义 3

1.4前景与总结 4

第二章 调查过程 5

2.1初步了解 5

2.2专项调查 8

2.2.1询问客服 8

2.2.2问卷调查取件同学 8

2.2.3访问快递师傅 10

2.3调查成果汇总 11

第三章 包装回收物流网络模型设计 12

3.1问题描述 12

3.2建模假设 12

3.3数学模型 13

3.3.1变量及参数定义 13

3.3.2模型建立 14

3.4调研数据 15

第四章 数据分析 17

4.1模型简化 17

4.2用MATLAB语言表达模型 17

4.3 MATLAB求解 18

4.4结果分析 18

第五章 结论 20

5.1存在问题 20

5.2原因分析及改进建议 20

参考文献 22

致谢 23

第一章 绪论



在对逆向物流的定义上,国外学者及研究机构对此有不同的意见。Carter和Ellram(1998)认为,逆向物流是物品在渠道成员间的反向传递过程,即从产品消费地(包括最终用户和供应链上的客户)到产品来源地的物理性流动。企业通过这一过程中的物料再循环、再利用,使其在环境管理方面更有成效[4]。王长琼在《国外逆向物流的经济价值及管理策略初探》中指出美国物流管理委员会也给逆向物流下了一个正式的定义:逆向物流是对原材料、加工库存品、产成品,从消费地到起始地的相关信息的高效率、低成本的流动而进行规划、实施和控制的过程(L. S. Beltran, 2002)[5] [6]


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