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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2022-06-04 23:07:34  


摘 要
















关键字:快递配送 车辆路径问题 碳排放模型 基于时间 多种群遗传算

Distribution Path Selection of Express Companies In Consideration of Carbon Emission


Along with the global warming, in the past two years, Beijing, Shanghai and other large and medium-sized city haze weather appears repeatedly, the Chinese government on the protection of the environment is more and more big, businesses are facing pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, especially as the carbon emissions of transportation. The logistics industry is an important part of city transportation, engaged in logistics enterprises, the express industry in e-commerce to stimulate, particularly the rapid development, business volume, the annual employment and the number of new transportation vehicle number be way ahead of general logistics distribution enterprise, in response to the national low carbon emission reduction policies, some of the major courier the enterprise also made improvements, such as improved packaging materials, the introduction of clean energy vehicles.

But there is little improvement of carbon emission reduction enterprises in the distribution vehicle routing choice. Based on this, through the analysis of the distribution characteristics of low carbon distribution. apart from the advanced technology and clean energy implementation, optimization should be made in the carbon emission reduction on the path selection. The path selection should put the least number of vehicles, vehicle minimum time cost and vehicle emissions in consideration.

This paper constructs a low carbon vehicle time dependent model of vehicle routing problem based on the way of express delivery enterprises path selection model. In time dependent, the vehicle travel speed as a function of time planning system,the travel time by distance and velocity is obtained indirectly, model will reduce vehicle carbon emissions as the optimization.One of the subject. In order to solve the model, design a multi population genetic algorithm to avoid the problem of premature convergence of traditional genetic algorithm, in order to improve the diversity of the population, on the one hand, saving method, greedy algorithm and a randomly generated initial.The solution generated three initial solution to three population initialization, on the other hand, to give a variety of different groups.The variation rules of increasing diversity between populations.

Finally, I research Nanjing, Pukou EMS network and early peak distribution data .The research results show that a variety of cases, based on genetic algorithm for the carbon emission reduction time dependent vehicle routing problem.The vehicle routing problem has good convergence, by considering the model results before and after the analysis of carbon emissions, carbon emissions considering model in terms

of carbon emissions cost and time cost than without considering the carbon emission model is better, this shows that for the express delivery companies, send vehicle routing with considering reducing carbon the emissions targets will not make the operating costs of enterprises increased.

Key Words: Express delivery;Vehicle routing problem; Time dependent; Carbon

emissions model; Multiple population genetic algorithm


摘要 1

Abstract 3

第一章 绪论 7

1.1研究背景及意义 7

1.1.1 研究背景 7

1.1.2 研究意义 9

1.2快递配送的概述 10

1.2.1快递的概念界定与分类 10

1.2.2快递企业配送的作用 10

第二章 快递企业配送基本理论与流程分析 12

2.1快递业务基本运作流程 12

2.2快递营运网络的定义与构成 12

2.2.1快递营运网络的定义 12

2.1.2快递营运网络的构成 13

2.3快递企业配送流程与特点分析 15

2.4快递企业配送外部不经济性分析 18

2.4.1资源消耗 18

2.4.2城市交通拥堵 19

2.4.3配送车辆空载 19

2.4.4污染物排放 19

第三章 快递企业EVRP模型的建立 21

3.1 调查问卷 21

3.2快递企业低碳配送车辆路径问题分析 22

3.2.1快递企业配送车辆路径问题描述 22

3.2.3快递企业低碳配送车辆路径问题目标分析 27

3.2.4快递企业低碳配送车辆路径问题特点总结 28

3.3快递企业配送TDVRP数学模型建立 29

3.4快递企业配送车辆碳排放模型 32

3.5快递企业配送EVRP模型建立 35

第四章 某快递企业算例分析 37

4. 1某快递企业简介 37

4.2实际算例的建立 37

4. 2. 1客户坐标 37

4.2.2客户需求 38

4.2.3服务时间 38

4.2.4时间窗限制 39

4.2.5时间依赖旅行速度 40

4.2.6初始化种群 40

4.2.7算法控制参数 41


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