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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2022-04-06 21:00:59  


摘 要




Public participation in the exchange of technical analysis -

APPlications in urban transport governance analysis


Fast rapid development of the national society and economy, leading to a large number of migration to cities, increasing population of the city at the same time bring rapid rapid development, but also bring some negative effects. Now it seems that the existing urban transport system has been unable to meet people's travel needs of urban transport supply and demand will be in the long-term state of imbalance. Urban roads are overused, resulting in deterioration of traffic conditions, traffic congestion, inadequate public transportation resources and a series of traffic problems. How quickly and effectively to solve urban traffic and related issues become the great challenges facing our country.

Based on the domestic and on the same time the results of public participation in research and traffic management, public participation in the democratic system of learning in developed countries, combined with our citizens to participate in public awareness is weak, insufficient range of other defects, the depth of analysis and public participation procedures connotation ; then, in the context of the internet, the introduction of new technologies, to the public participation platform brings new changes and cited examples of typical case studies, analysis of the feasibility of using big data, cloud platform technology to solve urban traffic problems; and to improve the design of Nanjing road environment, for example, to design a traffic management scheme based on mobile APP; and finally, on the basis of the preceding study, data obtained using a large, new media and other modes of public participation platform to solve urban traffic problems program. In all kinds of technical support under the new urban traffic management can provide effective real-time data for decision makers, policy-makers to develop rules to improve the level of transport services and the entire level is of great significance.

Key Words: Public Participation; Urban Traffic Management; Cloud Platform


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1国外现状 2

1.2.2国内现状 3

1.3研究方法 4

1.4研究思路 5

第二章 公众参与的概况及意义 6

2.1基本概念 6

2.1.1公众参与 6

2.1.2公众参与的原则 7

2.1.3公众参与交通治理的意义 8

2.2公众参与的机制与框架 9

2.2.1机制要素 9

2.2.2运行机制 10

2.2.3公众参与的框架 11

2.3传统方式的现实困境 12

2.3.1公众参与意识薄弱 12

2.3.2公众参与的法律不够健全 12

2.3.3公众参与范围不够全面 12

第三章 交流技术平台及案例分析 14

3.1互联网下公共参与的变化 14

3.1.1参与成本的变化 14

3.1.2参与形式的变化 14

3.2新技术平台及其概况 14

3.2.1 WebGIS技术 15

3.2.2云平台技术 15

3.2.3众包技术 16

3.2.3新媒体平台 17

3.3 成功案例 17

3.3.1 诗意地行走!——街道环境改善设计竞赛 17

3.3.2 日本福冈市智能手机探测示范项目 21

3.3.3 长辛店老镇复兴计划 23

第四章 公众参与平台在交通治理中的应用 25

4.1城市交通环境 25

4.2新技术下南京市道路环境改善方案设计 25

4.2.1公众平台的智能手机APP开发 25

4.2.2运营及推广 28

第五章 结论 30

参考文献 31

致谢 33





近些年,关于我国的公共管理领域的公众参与的话题愈演愈烈, 各级政府也开始对决策过程中的公众参与重视起来。目前认为公众参与城市交通政策始于二十世纪中期的北美国家,这种规划方法起初是为了协调平衡各方(公众、政府以及商业机构)的利益而采用的,再后来演变成为一种规划技术原理和法规,半个多世纪以来,公众参与这项制度在英、美、日等发达国家的发展尤为瞩目。然而跟欧美发达国家相比,我国的公众参与出现在改革开放后,起步偏晚,发展缓慢,加之缺乏民主的土壤,理论和实践发展都显得很是不足。在同时 ,不完善的公众参与本身存在很多问题,具体表现为相关法律的缺失、参与的形式化、公众参与的意识较低以及参与平台设计的不合理等。


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