2021-04-14 21:40:17
摘 要
Wuhan’s major strategic decision to build the “Yangtze River New City” in the eastern part of the city and on the northern bank of the Yangtze River is of great strategic importance for the rapid and sustainable development of Wuhan City. On the one hand, this major strategy calls for the “Yangtze River New City” and the main downtown area, especially Hankow. The construction of a good traffic corridor in downtown Wuchang; on the other hand, the planning and construction of the traffic corridor should follow the comprehensive transportation planning that has been implemented by Wuhan City for many years, especially the overall layout of the road network with “three rings and thirteen shots”. Under this circumstance, the planning and construction plan for the "Yangtze River Spindle" expressway linking the "Yangtze River New City," Hankow and Wuchang downtown areas needs to be demonstrated. A good "Yangtze River Spindle" comprehensive transportation planning plan has important strategic significance for maintaining the overall planning layout of Wuhan Road Network and the organic docking of the "New Yangtze River New City" with Wuchang and Hankou New City.
This study analyzes the basic conditions for the sustainable development of the main shaft of the Yangtze River, and proposes sustainable development needs and models for land use, environmental quality, and internal and external transportation. Based on the existing data and Wuhan's traffic planning model, collect relevant data and data, analyze the current situation of the integrated transportation system in the Yangtze River New City, and build a model case under the planning scheme. Conduct the traffic demand for the “Yangtze River New City” expressway under the model situation. Forecast and propose a reasonable traffic infrastructure construction plan based on the forecast; conduct an in-depth demonstration and analysis of the comprehensive traffic planning scheme under the model scenario, especially in the case of forecasting the corresponding traffic demand, analyze and use TransCAD to predict various traffic modes (such as : Corresponding demands of subways/light rails, cars, buses, and non-motorized vehicles, etc., and corresponding transportation infrastructure planning and construction plans. It provides guidance and technical support for planning the integrated transportation system of the Yangtze River main shaft, and has guiding significance for the comprehensive traffic planning and construction of the new city.
Key words: Yangtze River spindle; four-phase method; Yangtze River New City; traffic demand forecast; TransCAD
目 录
摘 要 IV
Abstract V
第1章 绪论 9
1.1 研究背景及意义 9
1.2 研究内容及技术路线 9
1.3 国内外文献综述 13
1.3.1国外文献综述 13
1.3.2公路网规划方道 16
1.3.3国内文献综述 17
1.3.4国内外研究现状评述 18
第2章 国内外典型沿江交通轴案例借鉴 19
2.1 国外沿江交通轴案例 19
2.1.1法国巴黎塞纳河左岸沿岸大道 19
2.1.2法国波尔多加龙河左岸大道 21
2.2国内沿江交通轴案例 28
2.2.1 杭州钱塘滨江大道 28
2.2.2 上海黄浦江滨江大道 30
第3章 长江主轴地带综合交通系统现状分析 31
3.1项目介绍 31
3.1.1项目背景 31
3.1.2规划范围 32
3.1.3主轴优势 32
3.2长江新城现状交通道路网络分析 33
3.2.1区域交通 33
3.2.2现状网络结构分析 36
3.2.2规划网络结构分析 37
第4章 交通需求模型构建、预测与交通基础设施规划方案研究 41
4.1长江新城规划方案 41
4.1.1融入武汉市域空间 41
4.1.2以交通升级带动开放可生长空间 42
4.1.3发展规模 47
4.2四阶段交通需求预测法 55
4.2.1交通生成预测 55
4.2.2交通分布预测 55
4.2.3交通量分配预测 55
4.3交通需求预测模型 56
4.3.1交通生成预测模型 56
4.3.2交通分布预测模型 58
4.3.3交通方式划分预测模型 60
4.3.4交通分配预测模型 61
第5章 结论及展望 68
5.1 结论 68
5.2规划方案评价与改善 68
5.3 不足及展望 69
参考文献 71
第1章 绪论
- 研究背景及意义
2017年12月20日武汉长江主轴左右岸大道示范段率先开工,其中左岸大道以地面改造为主,重点对沿线立面景观、行道树、慢行道、江滩花海等进行提升;右岸大道与武九铁路公园及综合管廊统筹考虑,形成集车行、绿道、综合管廊、景观于一体的复合廊道。复合交通走廊将采用绿道、轨道、快速路一体化集成的形式,构建四层立体复合交通景观:顶层为机动车道; 第二层为悬挂式轨道;第三层为架空自行车道;地面层为人行观景步道。未来将以轨道交通快速衔接一环至五环;通过机动车道打通断头路,改善瓶颈路段,加强与长江平行及垂直道路的联系;架空自行车道与地面人行步道统筹建设长江绿道,形成兼具交通、观景、游憩综合功能的世界级滨水景观大道。