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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 交通工程 > 正文


 2020-06-20 19:00:32  

摘 要



关键词:铁路货运体系 多式联运 物流化转型 SWOT分析 对策研究

The Research on Railway Freight Transportation System and Discussion on the Development of Multimodal Transport:Taking Suzhou as an Example


In recent years,as the growth of Chinese economic being moderate,the regional industrial structure being optimized constantly and the living standards of the people being continuously improved,the modern logistics industry has been gradually thriving,which takes breakbulk and bulk cargo as its major source of goods.Conversely,railway freight has been on the decline,which takes mass freight transportation as its key-point products.Influenced by planned economy system, railway freight in China used to have the least consciousness of competition in the whole public transportation,which frequently makes railway freight cannot adjust its management tactics or reforme its own organizational system in time.Therefore,in facing to more and more fierce market competitive environment and various customer demands,railway freight volume has decreased year after year.In the new development situation,how railway freight transportation can reverse its sliding trend by deepening the reform has become the primary research issue of railway transportation in our country.

Firstly, the paper briefly summarizes the present reform of railway freight mode and technology application in advanced countries,by collecting recent research materials at home and abroad.Secondly,the paper lists the development problems of railway freight and the bottleneck of the reform in China,based on the analysis of the state of regional railway freight.In the meanwhile,according to the development trend of regional society and economy,railway freight is quite necessary to make the transition to modern logistics service,particularly to accelerate the development of multimodal transport.Besides,the paper confirmes that railway freight needs to accelerate the promotion of container multimodal transport in our country by using SWOT method. In order to enhance integral competitiveness,Chinese railway freight should improve its transport efficiency and reduce its transportation costs in the operation of logistics.It can also make development plans by way of carrying out internal reforms and external cooperation during the new era to prepare for occupying the dominant position of the logistics market in future.Finally, the paper takes Suzhou which is a representative city in Jiangsu Province as a regional example to demonstrate the conclusion of this research being universal and scientific,by means of analyzing the present situation of railway freight and its interal and external logistics development environment in detail in Suzhou.And the paper puts forward some suggestions for developing regional railway freight transportation system and solving the existent problems to offer a reference for.the further development and reform of railway freight in China.

Key words:Railway freight transportation system ; Multimodal transport ; Transition to logistics ; SWOT Analysis ; Countermeasures research

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1铁路货运概述 1

1.1.2多式联运概述 1

1.1.3铁路货运与多式联运的联系 2

1.2研究目的与意义 2

1.3国内外研究现状 3

1.3.1国内研究现状 3

1.3.2国外研究现状 6

1.4研究的主要内容和思路 7

1.4.1研究的主要内容 7

1.4.2研究的思路 8

第二章 我国铁路货运的发展状况 10

2.1我国铁路货运的发展现状 10

2.1.1高速铁路的快速发展 10

2.1.2铁路货运改革取得成效 11

2.2江苏省铁路货运的发展情况 14

2.2.1铁路建设情况 14

2.2.2铁路货运情况 17

2.2.3多式联运发展情况 19

2.3江苏省铁路货运现存问题分析 20

2.3.1高速铁路的发展速度偏慢 20

2.3.2铁路货运改革不彻底 23

2.3.3铁路货运发展滞后 24

2.3.4多式联运发展薄弱 25

2.4本章小结 28

第三章 江苏省铁路货运的发展趋势 29

3.1影响铁路货运发展的主要因素 29

3.1.1经济的影响 29

3.1.2市场需求的影响 33

3.1.3交通优势度的影响 36

3.2铁路货运发展多式联运物流化的必要性 40

3.2.1外部环境 40

3.2.2内部环境 45

3.3铁路货运加速推广多式联运物流化的可行性 46

3.3.1SWOT分析法概述 46

3.3.2内部优势 47

3.3.3内部劣势 48

3.3.4外部机遇 50

3.3.5外部威胁 54

3.3.6综合分析结果 55

3.4本章小结 56

第四章 新时期下铁路货运的发展对策与建议 57

4.1提升铁路运输网络的服务水平 57

4.1.1构建多层次铁路运输网络 57

4.1.2提升铁路网络带动经济的能力 58

4.1.3增强铁路国际运输服务能力 58

4.2深化铁路货运体制的改革 58

4.2.1强化物流营销管理模式 58

4.2.2全面清理修订规章制度 63

4.2.3积极创新发展货运新技术 64

4.2.4重视物流意识与人才的培养 65

4.3加快推广铁路集装箱多式联运发展体系 65

4.3.1健全相关的法律政策 65

4.3.2提高技术装备、联运场站的衔接水平 67

4.3.3加速铁路集装箱多式联运专项行动的开展 68

4.4本章小结 69

第五章 案例分析——以苏州为例 70

5.1苏州市铁路运输现状 70

5.1.1苏州市铁路货运情况 70

5.1.2苏州市铁路物流情况 74

5.2苏州市铁路货运加速转型的可行性 76

5.2.1苏州市经济发展情况 76

5.2.2苏州市物流市场发展情况 77

5.2.3苏州市交通优势度情况 78

5.2.4苏州市铁路货运SWOT分析情况 80

5.3苏州铁路货运向多式联运物流转型的发展建议 83

5.3.1苏州市铁路货运的发展目标 84

5.3.2苏州市铁路货运的发展思路 85

5.3.3苏州市铁路货运发展的保障措施 85

5.4本章小结 87

第六章 研究结论与展望 88

6.1研究结论 88

6.2研究展望 89

参考文献 90

致 谢 92

第一章 绪论






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