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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 药物制剂 > 正文


 2021-12-28 20:21:12  


摘 要




关键词: 阿尔兹海默症,帕金森痴呆,盐酸美金刚,气相色谱法。


Alzheimer's disease is caused by degenerative disease of the central nervous system. It is common in old age and cannot be cured. It troubles countless families and is an important field that medicine urgently needs to overcome. Memantine hydrochloride is an important drug for Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's dementia. The design of a variety of harmful organic solvents during its synthesis requires strict control, so it is necessary to conduct a series of experiments to detect them.

The purpose of this experiment is to test the finished product of memantine hydrochloride solvent, to determine the residual content of each component reactant in the solvent by gas chromatography, and observe whether it meets the requirements of the Pharmacopoeia and whether it meets the standard. At the same time,improving the detection accuracy. In this experiment, we first conducted methodological verification. Through three controlled experiments, the optimal parameters of the gas chromatograph were determined. Based on the data prepared, three batches of finished products were selected. Conduct experiments on specificity, limit of detection, linearity, solution stability, accuracy, precision, and durability, and provide some suggestions for whether patients can use the drug safely. The selected three batches of products are in compliance with the provisions of the Pharmacopoeia, and elderly patients can safely take the drug to improve their quality of life in old age.

I hope that the various drugs that have been found to be effective for Alzheimer's disease will bring us more help in the fight against Alzheimer's disease, so that we can fight in the smokeless war faster victory.

Keywords: Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's dementia ,memantine hydrochloride, gas chromatography


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 文献综述 1

关于盐酸美金刚的简单介绍: 2

盐酸美金刚的结构: 2

盐酸美金刚的临床应用: 2

气相色谱法的简单介绍: 3

第二章 实验方法 4

1盐酸美金刚生产中的有机溶剂 4

1.1仪器、试剂及样品 4

1.1.1仪器 4

1.1.2试剂 4

1.1.3样品 5

1.2方法学验证 5

1.2.1色谱条件摸索 5

1.2.2色谱条件拟定 8

1.2.3专属性 8

1.2.4进样精密度试验 9

1.2.5定量限及检测限 9

1.2.6线性与范围 10

1.2.7溶液稳定性 11

1.2.8溶液的重复性 12

1.2.9回收率试验 12

1.2.10中间精密度试验 16

1.2.11耐用性试验 17

1.3样品测定 18

参考文献 19

致谢 22

第一章 文献综述


Memantine hydrochloride是一种作用于NMDA受体的金刚烷胺盐酸盐,[1]该药用于治疗重度阿尔茨海默氏症,盐酸美金刚是一种非竞争性受体拮抗剂同时对晚期阿尔兹海默症患者依然有效。[2]该药在合成过程中使用了几种可能引起中毒的有机溶剂,所以需要对产品进行监控。[11]



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