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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 药物制剂 > 正文


 2020-05-26 20:39:54  

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2. 参考文献

[1].荀二娜.有机溶剂中文斯内酰胺的酶促拆分及其超声优化[D].吉林:吉林大学生命科学学院,2012:1-65 [2].Brabban A D,Littlechild J,Wisdom R. Stereospecific γ-lactamase activity in a Pseudomonas fluorescens species[J]. Journal of industrial Microbiology,1996,16(1): 8-14 [3]. Toogood H S,Brown R C,Line K,et al. The use of a thermostable signature amidase in the resolution of the bicyclic synthon (rac)γ-lactam[J]. Tetrahedron,2004,60 (3): 711-716 [4]. Chand P,Kotian P L,Dehghani A,et al. Systematic structure-based design and stereoselective synthesis of novel multisubstituted cyclopentane derivatives with potent antiinfluenza activity[J]. Journal of medicinal chemistry,2001,44(25): 4379-4392 [5]. Lagoja I M,Clercq E D. Anti-influenza virus agents:synthesis and mode of action[J]. Medicinal Research Reviews,2008,28(1): 1-38 [6]. Bania S,Parker CD,Ananth SL,et al. Comparison of the anti influenza virus activity of RWJ-2270201 with those of Oseltamivir and Zanamivir[J]. Antimicrob agents and chemother,2001,45(4): 1162-1167 [7]. Velazquez F. Olivo HF. The application of chiraloxazolidinethiones and thiazolidine-thioned in asymmetricsynthesis. Current Organic Chemistry,2002,6 ( 4 ) :303-340. [8]. Erna Xun,a,c Jiaxin Wang,a Hong Zhang,a,b Ge Chen,a Hong Yue,a Jimin Zhao,c#8224; Lei Wanga#8224; and Zhi Wanga#8727;Resolution of N-hydroxymethyl vince lactam catalyzed by lipase in organic solvent.J Chem Technol Biotechnol 2013; 88: 904#8211;909 [10].Hiroto, N., Kazuto, I., Yuko, O., Hiroshi, H. Lipase-catalyzed resolution of 2-azabicyclo [2.2.1]hept-5-en-3-ones. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry. 1996, 7: 2381-2386 [11].FUQIU LI1,2, DANTONG ZHAO3, GE CHEN2, HONG ZHANG2, HONG YUE2,LEI WANG2 ZHI WANG2,Enantioselective transesterification of N-hydroxymethyl vince lactamcatalyzed by lipase under ultrasound irradiation.Biocatalysis and Biotransformation, 2013; 31(6): 299#8211;304

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