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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品质量与安全 > 正文


 2022-01-30 16:54:27  


摘 要



本文主要介绍一种基于目标激发组装的树枝状核酸纳米结构电化学传感器,用以快速检测金黄色葡萄球菌B型肠毒素。溶液中SEB特异性识别并结合其核酸适配体,释放出触发DNA,触发DNA可以引起金电极表面的链式杂交反应(HCR),从而在金电极表面组装含有大量核酸双螺旋结构的树枝状核酸纳米结构,电解液中的六氨合钌(RuHex)会吸附到核酸双螺旋骨架中,进而极少量的SEB可以使得对应金电极产生明显的电化学信号。通过实验得出,基于目标激发组装的树枝状核酸纳米结构的电化学生物传感器检测SEB的线性范围是0.05 ng mL-1 ~ 100 ng mL-1,相比于市售商品化ELISA试剂盒,此检测方法的检测限更低,检测范围更广。针对此方法的选择性,通过对两种SEB同源性毒素以及其他五种化合物的测定来评估所构建的检测方法的选择性。以脱脂牛奶为样品,在其中各加入SEB进行检测,与市售ELISA试剂盒相比,两种结果的相对偏差在-9.7% ~ 4.2%之间,进一步证明了所建立的方法具有较高的准确性。

关键词:肠毒素 核酸纳米结构 电化学生物传感器

Dendritic nucleic acid nanostructures based on target excitation assembly for electrochemical detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B


Staphylococcus aureus food poisoning is ubiquitous throughout the world, and enterotoxins are the main pathogenic factor of food poisoning caused by Staphylococcus aureus, and the contaminated foods are still heat-treated and the contained enterotoxins are still active. Therefore, it is ranked first in the statistical data of bacterial food poisoning in each country.

At present, there are mainly the following methods for detecting enterotoxins: molecular biological detection methods, immunological detection methods, colloidal gold test paper detection methods, mass spectrometry-based detection methods, etc., and these methods generally have tedious procedures and long test cycles. Due to the high cost of testing, it is necessary to establish a rapid, simple, and sensitive detection method.

In this paper, a dendritic nanostructured electrochemical sensor based on target excitation assembly is introduced to rapidly detect Staphylococcus aureus type B enterotoxin. The SEB was assembled on the surface of the gold electrode. The modification process was characterized by cyclic voltammetry (CV). The linear range of the SEB detected by the electrochemical biosensor based on the target excited and assembled dendritic nucleic acid nanostructure was 0.05 ng mL-1 ~ 100 ng mL-1, compared with commercially available ELISA kits, this detection method has a lower detection limit and a wider detection range. For the selectivity of this method, the selectivity of the constructed detection method was evaluated by the determination of two SEB homologous toxins and five other compounds. A sample of skimmed milk was added, and SEB homologous compounds and other five compounds were added to the samples for detection. Compared with commercial ELISA kits, the relative deviation of the two results was between -9.7% and 4.2%. The established method has high accuracy.

Keywords: enterotoxin; nucleic acid nanostructure; electrochemical biosensor


摘 要 I


第一章 文献综述 1

1.1引言 1

1.2肠毒素简介 2

1.3检测方法 2

1.3.1动物学实验检测方法 2

1.3.2免疫学检测方法 3

1.3.3分子生物学检测方法 3

1.3.4基于质谱分析的方法 3

1.3.5生物传感器检测方法 4

1.4本课题研究意义 4

第二章 实验材料和方法 6

2.1实验仪器和试剂 6

2.1.1仪器与材料 6

2.1.2试剂与溶液 6

2.2实验方法 8

2.2.1实验流程 8

2.2.2适配体传感器的制备 8

2.2.3电化学实验参数 9

2.2.4原理验证 9

2.2.5实验条件的优化 10

2.2.6 SEB定量检测 10

2.2.7选择性 10

2.2.8实际样品检测的可行性 11

第三章 结果与讨论 12

3.1电化学表征 12

3.2实验条件的优化 12

3.2.1适配体浓度的确定 13

3.2.2 SEB与适配体孵育时间的确定 14

3.3 SEB定量检测 14

3.4选择性 15

3.5实际样品检测 16

第四章 结论与展望 18

4.1结论 18

4.2展望 19

参考文献 20

致谢 22

第一章 文献综述





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