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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品质量与安全 > 正文


 2021-12-21 21:36:44  


摘 要




关键词:生食和腌制水产品 寄生虫 感染调查

Investigation on the infection of parasites in raw and preserved aquatic products


One of the factors affecting the safety of raw and preserved aquatic products is parasites. In China, which have serious harm and epidemic aquatic products foodborne parasitic diseases include: clonorchiasis, echinonematode disease, ginger worm disease, acanthopharyngeal nematode disease, synzoonosis, diphyllobothriasis. China has a large population and a vast land. There are many types of food-borne parasites in aquatic products. The infection rate is high and the potential harm is great. In order to ensure the food safety of aquatic products and people's health in China, the formulation of relevant laws and regulations, specific prevention and control measures and related testing and research are important measures to control the prevalence of foodborne parasitic diseases in China. Grasping the infection rate of parasites in aquatic products in corresponding areas is of great significance to carry out grid prevention and develop corresponding detection indexes.

With the improvement of living standard, the level of catering service has been improved, the frequency of people eating out has increased significantly, the variety of dishes has been constantly updated, and more and more people like raw food, such as sashimi. While these raw foods are delicious, there are safety issues, including parasites.

This subject is to investigate the parasitic infection of raw food and preserved aquatic products in the market, mainly to understand the parasitic contamination of seafood, and to provide reference for the safe consumption of seafood. In 44 experiments, pickled aquatic products from online shopping (from zhejiang, guangdong and shenzhen) and raw food aquatic products from local seafood markets (nanjing) were purchased. According to《Hygienic standards for preserved raw edible animal aquatic products》, no larvae of nematode worms, hydatid metacercariae and tapeworm metacercariae were detected in freshwater products. No nematode larvae were detected in seawater products.

Key Words: raw and preserved aquatic products;parasites;investigation on the infection

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 我国食源性寄生虫疾病的研究进展 1

1.1.1 食源性寄生虫疾病种类 1

1.1.2 食源性寄生虫疾病实验诊断 1

1.2 相关地区淡水海水类水产品食源性寄生虫感染率情况 2

1.2.1 2015-2017年对上海市黄浦区抽查情况 2

1.2.2 2019年6月广东省养殖及市售各环节三文鱼的淡水寄生虫感染状况 3

1.2.3 2015年8月深圳市调查感染情况 3

1.3 食源性寄生虫病的地域流行划分及易感水产品种类 3

第二章 主要寄生虫的检测方法和步骤 6

2.1 检测项目 6

2.1.1 淡水类水产品 6

2.1.2海水类水产品 6

2.2 检测方法 6

2.3 检验步骤 7

2.3.1 肉眼检查 7

2.3.2 显微镜检查 7

第三章 结果与讨论 8

3.1 样品选取与结果 8

3.2 标准寄生虫图片及分析 10

3.2.1 异尖线虫 11

3.2.2 华支睾吸虫(后睾吸虫、肝吸虫)、东方次睾吸虫 11

3.2.3 棘颚口线虫 12

3.2.4 (广州)管圆线虫 14

3.2.5 并殖吸虫(肺吸虫) 14

3.2.6 裂头绦虫 15

3.2.7 异形吸虫 16

3.2.8 库道虫 17

3.2.9 棘口吸虫 17

第四章 结论与安全食用建议 19

4.1 结论 19

4.2 安全食用的建议 19

4.2.1 海水类产品安全食用建议 19

4.2.2 淡水类产品安全食用建议 20

参考文献 21

致 谢 23

第一章 绪论

1.1 我国食源性寄生虫疾病的研究进展


1.1.1 食源性寄生虫疾病种类


1.1.2 食源性寄生虫疾病实验诊断



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