2020-04-17 19:47:04
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
中国人认识的”三文鱼”,最早是从挪威北欧进口的salmon,音译为”三文鱼”,其品种为大西洋三文鱼(salmo salar)。
[8](salmo salar)。
2. 参考文献
[1]. Tagliavia, M., et al., Development of a fast DNA extraction method for sea food and marine species identification. Food Chemistry, 2016. 203: p. 375-378. [2]. Yalnkaya, B., et al., Comparison of DNA extraction methods for meat analysis. Food Chemistry, 2017. 221: p. 1253-1257. [3]. Barbosa, C., et al., Chapter 7 - DNA extraction: finding the most suitable method A2 - Cook, Nigel, in Molecular Microbial Diagnostic Methods, M. D'Agostino and K.C. Thompson, M. D'Agostino and K.C. Thompson^Editors. 2016, Academic Press: San Diego. p. 135-154. [4]. Liu, W.Y. and K.J. Zhang, Rapid Salt-Extraction of Genomic DNA from Formalin-Fixed Toad and Frog Tissues for PCR-Based Analyses. Asian Journal of Animal Veterinary Advances, 2011. 6(9): p. 958-965. [5]. Stewart, Z.K., et al., A non-disruptive method for obtaining DNA samples from sea anemones (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Actiniaria). Conservation Genetics Resources, 2017.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
1)2018年09月-2018年11月 查阅文献,完成外文翻译、文献综述和开题报告等工作; 2)2018年12月-2019年03月 完成课题的实验部分; 3)2019年04月-2019年05月 完成毕业论文写作,进行毕业设计的审阅和修改完善; 4)2019年06月 完成毕业论文的答辩资格审查、答辩;