2022-06-23 20:55:26
摘 要
- 大蒜在4 ℃萌发条件下放置34 d时,γ-谷氨酰转肽酶活力从0.90 mU/g增加至1.60 mU/g。绿变指数D590也相应从2.10增加至13.02。
(2) Ca2 具有激活大蒜中γ-谷氨酰转肽酶和蒜氨酸酶的活力、促进大蒜绿变的作用。采用10 mmol/L的CaCl2溶液浸泡34 d的大蒜,γ-谷氨酰转肽酶活力、蒜氨酸酶活力和绿变指数D590分别由浸泡前的1.60 mU/g、105.99 U/g、13.02增至2.11 mU/g、149.81 U/g、13.50。
Change in the Physical and Chemical Properties of Garlic during Sprouting and Soaking
Greening of garlic is a serious problem which frequently occurs in the garlic processing industry. Due to the greening, final products might have undesirable appearance and contain less functional compounds such as S-allyl-L-cysteine, ajoene, etc. The objectives of the present study were to reveal the regulation effect of germinate and soak on enzyme activity and greening of garlic, the changes of γ-glutamyltranspeptidase activity, allinase activity and garlic greening index were investigated. The relationship between the enzyme activity and garlic greening index was diecussed. The experimental results could be concluded as follows.
- The γ-glutamyltranspeptidase activity increased from 0.90 mU/g to 1.60 mU/g, and correspondingly the garlic greening index increased from 2.10 to 13.02 during the storage of garilc bulbs for 34 d at 4 ℃.
- The γ-glutamyltranspeptidase activity and allinase activity were increased, and the garlic greening was facilitated, by adding of Ca2 to garlic bulbs. The γ-glutamyltranspeptidase activity, allinase activity and garlic greening index increased from 1.60 mU/g, 105.99 U/g, 13.02 to 2.11 mU/g, 149.81 U/g, 13.50 respectively, during the soaking of 4 ℃-34 d stored garlic bulbs in a 10 mM CaCl2 solution.
The present study revealed the regulation effect of germinate and soak on enzyme activity and greening of garlic, and clarified the mechanism of garlic-greening inhibition by onion.The present study provided the theoretical basis and technical data for improving the quality of garlic products and developing new garlic processing products.
Key words: garlic greening,γ-glutamyltranspeptidase,alliinase
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 大蒜绿变反应过程 1
1.3 γ-谷氨酰转肽酶 3
1.3.1 催化反应类型 3
1.3.2 酶学性质 4
1.3.3 与大蒜绿变的关系 4
1.4 蒜氨酸酶 4
1.4.1 催化反应类型 4
1.4.2 酶学性质 5
1.4.3 与大蒜绿变的关系 5
1.5 研究目的与意义 5
第二章 实验材料及方法 6
2.1 材料 6
2.2 试剂 6
2.3 仪器与设备 6
2.4 方法 6
2.4.1 萌发 6
2.4.2 浸泡 6
2.4.3 芽瓣比测定 7
2.4.4 γ-谷氨酰转肽酶活性测定 7
2.4.5 蒜氨酸酶活性测定 8
2.4.6 绿变指数测定 10
第三章 实验结果与讨论 11
3.1 芽瓣比的变化 11
3.2 γ-谷氨酰转肽酶活性的变化 12
3.3 蒜氨酸酶活性的变化 12
3.4 大蒜绿变与酶活的关系 13
第四章 结论与展望 18
4.1 结论 18
4.2 展望 18
参考文献 19
致 谢 22
第一章 文献综述
1.1 前言
大蒜(Allium Sativum L.)为百合科葱属植物蒜的鳞茎,二年生植物。其营养价值很高,含有蛋白质、糖类、脂肪和维生素、钙、磷、铁、硒、锗等矿质元素[1](表1-1,表1-2),还含有多糖、凝集素和一些酶类(如蒜氨酸酶、过氧化物酶、γ-谷氨酰转肽酶等)[2,3]。大蒜中主要的生物活性物质是大蒜所特有的含硫化合物,这些含硫化合物赋予了大蒜很高的药用价值,如抗癌防癌、降血压、降胆固醇、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗血小板聚集、降血脂和抗动脉粥样硬化、保护心血管、降低血糖等作用[4,5]。大蒜的休眠期短,易发芽霉变和品质劣变,长期贮藏损耗率较高。大蒜除鲜食外,常加工成蒜片、蒜粉、黑大蒜、蒜泥等。但是大蒜制品在加工过程往往中会出现绿变的现象,这一定程度上影响了产品的外观质量,妨碍了大蒜进行二步加工。而大蒜绿变与其生理休眠状态有关,处于休眠的大蒜,其蒜泥不会发生变绿现象,结束休眠大蒜的蒜泥会变绿。因此,研究处于不同生理期的大蒜,对探究抑制大蒜绿变的途径、大蒜规模化加工生产具有重要意义。