2022-05-11 20:38:38
摘 要
功能甜味剂在食品、医药等领域的应用需求不断增长,异麦芽酮糖作为蔗糖理想的替代品是功能性甜味剂的典型代表。目前,异麦芽酮糖的生物法生产工艺日趋成熟,但在生物法生产中使用的表达菌株通常不符合食品安全级的要求,这对功能性甜味剂在食品工业中的应用提出了挑战。此外,在工业生产中的催化反应条件往往受制于关键酶的催化条件,因此,开发一种更适合工业生产的食品级糖基异构酶催化生产功能性甜味剂具有重要意义。本文通过构建枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis 168)芽孢表面展示系统,实现了蔗糖异构酶(SI)在芽孢表面的展示,主要研究结果如下:
1. 通过分子生物学手段构建了整合型质粒pJS700a-cotX-palⅠ,经限制性内切酶酶切验证和基因测序共同验证所构建序列正确。利用化学转化法,经同源双交换作用,将质粒基因片段Em-cotX-palⅠ导入枯草芽孢杆菌基因组中,结果通过淀粉平板筛选验证,并根据酶活力定义计算可得SI酶活力5.39×10-13 U/spore。
2. 通过对SI基因序列进行优化合成,将新合成的基因序列palⅠ’重新构建成整合型质粒pJS700a-cotX-palⅠ’,重新展示在芽孢表面的SI的酶活力测定为2.01×10-12 U/spore,比优化之前的展示的SIase的酶活力提高约3.7倍。在最适温度和pH条件下(30 °C,pH 6.0),以500 g/L蔗糖溶液为底物,添加由400 mL芽孢培养液处理所得的芽孢悬浮液,反应6 h后,催化转化率可达63.3%。
关键词:蔗糖异构酶 异麦芽酮糖 枯草芽孢杆菌 表面展示 催化反应
The application of functional sweeteners in food, medicine and other fields are becoming more and more widely. ISO maltose, as the substitute for sucrose, is the typical representatives of functional sweetener. At present, the biological methods to product ISO maltose become mature gradually. However, the expression strains used in those methods usually did not meet the demand of food industry. Besides, the optimal conditions of the catalytic reaction were always limited by the optimal temperature and pH of the enzyme. Therefore, to develop a bio-catalysis system, which could express the target enzyme on the food-grade vector actively, was an alternative method for the value-added production of functional sweeteners. This study developed a surface display system to express the Sucrose ISO maltose on the spore surface of Bacillus subtitles168 successfully. The main research results obtained are as follows:
- By means of the molecular biology, the plasmid pJS700a-cot X-palⅠwas successfully constructed. And the gene sequence was verified by the digestion method and DNA sequencing. and the gene segment Em-cot X-palⅠwas transformed into the genome of Bacillus subtitles 168 by chemical transformation methods. The results were screened by starch-containing LB plate and verified by activity assays. The activity assays reflected that the activity of displayed SI is 5.39×10-13 U/spore.
- Then, the redesigned gene sequence was synthesized in order to improve the activity of the displayed SI. And the plasmid pJS700a-cot X-palⅠ’ was successfully constructed by means of the molecular biology. The activity of displayed SI is 2.01×10-12 U/spore, which is about 3.7 times than the activity of displayed SI before sequence optimization. Experiment results indicated that the optimal temperature and pH of displayed L-AI are 30 °C and pH 6.0. The optimal concentration of the substrate was confirmed to be 500 g/L, and the optimal dosage of the spore fermentation broth was confirmed to be 400 ml. Under the optimal conditions, the bio transformation rate can reach to 63.3% after 6 h.
Keywords: Sucrose isomerase; ISO maltose; Bacillus subtitles; Surface display; Catalytic reaction
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 引言 1
1.2 功能性甜味剂的简介 2
1.2.1 功能性甜味剂 1
1.2.2 异麦芽酮糖的简介 3
1.3 糖基异构酶 3
1.3.1 蔗糖异构酶 4
1.4 枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢表面展示系统 4
1.4.1 枯草芽孢杆菌的芽孢 4
1.4.2 芽孢表面展示 4
1.5 本论文的研究意义与内容 5
第二章 枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢表面展示蔗糖异构酶(SI)的系统构建以及催化条件的优化 7
2.1 前言 7
2.2 材料与方法 7
2.2.1 菌株和培养条件 8
2.2.2 实验仪器与试剂 8
2.2.3 分子生物学操作 10
2.2.4 枯草芽孢杆菌的淀粉酶活性分析 12
2.2.5 芽孢的诱导培养收集与计数 12
2.2.6 表面展示的SI酶的酶活力定义和测定方法 12
2.2.7 分析方法 12
2.2.8 温度和pH对展示的SI酶的催化稳定性的影响 12
2.2.9 展示的SI酶催化条件的选择 13
2.2.10 最适条件下展示的SI酶的催化反应 14
2.3 结果与讨论 14
2.3.1 蔗糖异构酶表面展示的整合型质粒的构建 14
2.3.2 重组菌株的构建与酶活鉴定 15
2.3.3 SI基因序列的优化设计与合成 16
2.3.4 合成的SI基因序列palⅠ’的表面展示系统的构建 17
2.3.5 重新展示在芽孢表面的SI酶活力测定 17
2.3.6 温度和pH对展示的SI酶的催化温度性的影响 18
2.3.7 展示的SI酶最佳催化条件的确定 19
2.3.8 展示的SI酶的催化反应 20
2.4 本章小结 21
第三章 结论与展望 22
3.1 结论 22
3.2 展望 23
参考文献 24
第一章 文献综述
1.1 引言