2022-03-28 20:35:21
摘 要
关键词:酸价 过氧化值 食品分析 统计分析
Food spoilage is one of the important factor affecting the food safety.Early indicator of oil rancidity is higher peroxide value .When the peroxide value beyond the tendency for 20mmol/kg indicates that oil is no longer fresh.Recommended by the world health organization (WHO) peroxide value should not exceed 10 mmol/kg, otherwise will happen after eating such as headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting symptoms.For testing the acid value and peroxide value of food can effectively know and control grease food quality on the market.In this article will do sampling tests in Nanjing and surrounding cities such as Yizheng, Suqian corporation, Qingdao and other places, it is concluded that the acid value and peroxide value detection data.In hundreds of samples, unqualified detected a total of three, two of them are nuts food peanuts, another for bacon food including jujube meat.The total failure rate is 0.96%.All of them are solid samples.Overall qualified rate was 99.04%, of which the unqualified samples for solid samples, acid value detection not percent of pass is 0.77% of the project, peroxide value detection project not percent of pass is 1.26%.
Presumably,Acid value and peroxide value unqualified products on the market are nuts and bacon foods.Sampling personnel can choose and buy these products, in order to get better food safety.
Key words:Acid value; Peroxide value; Food analysis;Statistical analysis
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 前言 1
1.1立题背景 1
1.2.1食品酸败概述 1
1.2.2酸败食品对人体的影响 2
1.2.3酸价概述 2
1.2.4过氧化值概述 3
1.2.5食品酸败产生原因及控制方法 3
1.2.6常用检测方法 5
1.2.7研究内容与意义 5
第二章 食品中酸价过氧化值的测定 7
2.1实验仪器与设备 7
2.2实验试剂 7
2.3实验过程 8
2.3.1实验步骤 8
2.3.2检测实验前采样 8
2.3.3分类储藏样品 8
2.3.4按计划取样、称样 8
2.3.5检测 9
2.4实际样品分析统计 11
2.4.1样品分布 11
2.4.2不合格率分析 13
2.5.2检出率分析 14
第三章 结论与展望 16
3.1结论 16
3.2展望 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 19
第一章 前言
如果食品的过氧化值逐渐升高一般就说明油脂已经开始酸败了。油脂氧化过程中产生的过氧化物的量一般以毫摩尔每千克(mmol/kg)或百分含量(g/100g)来表现。当过氧化值超过一定的标准值,如20mmol/kg,可以说食品已经变质了。当食物酸败变质到一定程度时过氧化物会生成醛、铜等物质,之后食品的酸价将会升高,而过氧化值将会降低。某些权威如世界卫生组织曾经在某些资料中推荐食品的最好不要超过10mmol/kg的过氧化值,不然饮食后会产生许多不良反应如头痛、头晕、腹痛、腹泻等。依据GB 2716-2005,食用植物油和植物原油的过氧化值应该≤0.25g/100g。本论文拟对江苏地区部分油脂食品中酸价、过氧化值进行分析测定及调查研究。
根据李桂连的《食品酸败的检测与防治》[1]一文,可知,食品酸败是指描绘食品中的脂肪成分败坏不稳定不可食用。酸败的的油脂不宜食用。在空气中,经光照、高温、高水分以及氧气的作用,又或者可能的微生物的作用,含有油脂的食品和其他食品的不饱和脂肪酸经氧化或水解会发出一种特有的臭味气体,此作用称为酸败作用。食品酸败后, 物理现表现为颜色变深,充斥难闻的哈喇味;而化学性质变现为酸价与过氧化值升高、碘值降低等。