2022-03-22 20:35:35
摘 要
ε-聚赖氨酸是一种由微生物生产的氨基酸同型聚合物,它由L-赖氨酸的ε-氨基与另一L-赖氨酸的α-羧基形成的ε-酰胺键连接而成。ε-PL的合成与菌体生长是半偶联在一起的,其生长期和稳定期所需要的C/N是不同的。通过对摇瓶两阶段发酵探究C/N对ε-PL的影响,发现随着C/N的升高,ε-PL产量表现出先高后低的趋势。ε-PL合成的过程中最合适的C/N为4.71,NH4 -N浓度为1 g/L。在5 L发酵罐发酵结束后发现,S. albulus PD-1在最佳C/N下发酵菌体生长和产物合成上均表现出较高的优势,生物量和ε-PL产量分别达到32.3 g/L和30.7 g/L,和原始工艺相比分别提高了15.8%和53.5%。比生长速率和产物比合成速率都有比较明显的提高,说明合适的C/N对ε-PL的合成起促进作用,菌体的生长也有一定程度的提高。通过基因转录水平的测定表明优化后的C/N可以促进S. albulus PD-1中相关基因的转录水平提高,致使一系列反应的发生,包括ε-PL合成相关酶活和氮代谢相关基因的变化,但对糖代谢途径影响较小。
关键词:聚赖氨酸 C/N 发酵工艺 S. albulus PD-1
Comprised of L-lysine residues linked by bonds between α-carboxyl and ε-amino groups, epsilon-poly-lysine (ε-PL) is a homo-poly-amino acid produced by microbiology. Due to its good properties including antimicrobial activity, biodegradability, edibility, and non-toxicity toward humans and the environment, it was used as a food preservative in Japan, USA, and other countries.Synthesis and cell growth ε-PL is a semi-coupled together, the growth and stability of the required C/N is different. Through the two-stage fermentation flask inquiry of C/N of ε-PL found with C/N is increased, ε-PL yield exhibited first high to low trend. ε-PL synthesis optimum C/N was 4.71, NH4 -N concentration of 1 g/L. After the end of the 5 L fermentor found, S. Albulus PD-1 bacterial fermentation in the best C/N and grown on a synthetic product showed higher strengths, biomass and ε-PL yield reached 32.3 g/L and 30.7 g/L, respectively, compared to the original process improved 15.8% and 53.5%. The specific growth rate than the rate of synthesis and the product has a more significant increase, indicating the appropriate C/N from the synthesis of ε-PL role in promoting cell growth have improved to some extent. By measuring the level of gene transcription indicates that the optimized C/N can contribute to improve the level of transcription S. albulus PD-1 related genes, resulting in a series of reactions, including the synthesis of ε-PL related activity and nitrogen metabolism-related genes changes, but on glucose metabolism pathway was less affected.
Key words: ε-Poly-L-lysine; C/N; fermentation process; S. albulus PD-1
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 ε-PL简介 1
1.2.1 ε-PL的结构与性质 1
1.2.2 ε-PL的生产菌株的筛选 2
1.2.3 ε-PL生产工艺的研究 2
1.2.4 ε-PL的应用 4
1.3 碳氮比对菌体生长的影响 5
第二章 C/N对发酵生产ε-PL的影响 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 实验材料 6
2.2.1 菌种 6
S. alublus PD-1(CCTCC M2011043),本实验室筛选保存。 6
2.2.2实验仪器及试剂 6
2.3 实验方法 7
2.3.1 种子液的制备 7
2.3.2 摇瓶发酵 7
2.3.3 发酵罐发酵 7
2.3.4 ε-PL含量检测 8
2.3.5 菌体干质量测定 8
2.3.6 残糖测定方法 8
2.3.7铵态氮(NH4 -N)测定方法的建立 8
2.3.8 pH 测定 8
2.4 结果与分析 9
2.4.1 C/N对摇瓶两阶段发酵生产ε-PL的影响 9
2.4.2 最优C/N下的发酵过程曲线比较 9
2.4.3 分批发酵动力学分析 11
2.5 讨论 13
第三章 C/N的优化对ε-PL关键基因的影响 14
3.1 前言 14
3.2 材料与方法 14
3.2.1 主要实验仪器与试剂 14
3.2.2 酶活测定 14
3.2.3 qRT-PCR分析 15
3.3 结果与分析 17
3.3.1 氮代谢途径中相关酶基因 18
3.3.2 碳代谢途径中相关酶基因 19
3.3.3 ε-PL合成途径中相关酶基因 20
3.4 讨论 21
第四章 结论与展望 22
4.1 结论 22
4.2 展望 22
参考文献 24
致 谢 27
- 文献综述
1.1 前言