2022-02-15 22:14:48
摘 要
关键词:栀子 活性成分 陶瓷膜 微滤 膜通量 截留率
Study on Separation of Gardenia Water Extract by Membrane Separation
Gardenia is a kind of medicinal and edible resources with a high content of active ingredients. In the extract of Gardenia there are not only some active ingredients such as gardenia yellow, geniposide and other active ingredients, but also some macromolecular impurities such as protein, polysaccharides, and pectin, which increase the difficulty of subsequent separation and purification. In this experiment, the membrane separation technology was used to remove the macromolecular impurities from the water extract of Gardenia to reduce the difficulty of subsequent separation of active ingredients. The appropriate pore size of the ceramic membrane was determined and the operating conditions of the membrane was optimized with the membrane flux and the rejection rate of the components as indexes. Results showed that when the average pore size of ceramic membrane was 200nm, the rejection rate of pectin was 65.88%, the rejection rate of polysaccharide was 55.77% and the protein retention rate was 66.37% while the rejection rate of gardenia yellow and geniposide was 22.16% and 10.18% respectively, most of the macromolecules were removed while most of the target active ingredient such as geniposide and gardenia yellow were retained. The optimal operating conditions of the membrane were as follows: transmembrane pressure was 0.15MPa, operating temperature was 30±2℃ and crossflow velocity was 0.27m/s, under these conditions,the stable membrane flux was 0.166m3m-2h-1.
Key Words: Gardenia; Active ingredient; Ceramic Membrane; Membrane Flux; Rejection
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1 栀子概述 1
1.2 栀子的主要成分以及生理功能 1
1.2.1藏花素和藏花酸类 1
1.2.2 栀子苷 2
1.2.3其他成分 2
1.3 栀子主要成分开发利用现状 2
1.3.1 栀子黄主要加工和开发现状 3
1.3.2 栀子苷主要加工和开发现状 3
1.4 膜分离技术 3
1.4.1膜分离技术原理 3
1.4.2膜分离技术分类 4
1.4.3膜分离技术在食品工业中的应用 4
1.5 本课题的研究目的及意义 4
1.6 本课题的研究内容 5
第二章 实验材料与方法 6
2.1 实验材料 6
2.1.1 样品材料 6
2.1.2 实验试剂 6
2.1.3 实验仪器 6
2.2 栀子水提液样品制备 6
2.3膜分离设备性能测定 6
2.3.1膜分离装备 6
2.3.2膜通量的测定 7
2.4栀子水提液膜分离操作参数的研究 8
2.4.1 膜孔径的不同对栀子水提液各组分截留率的影响 8
2.4.2 操作压力的优化 8
2.4.3 膜面流速的优化 8
2.5 栀子水提液中各组分含量的测定 9
2.5.1栀子黄含量的测定 9
2.5.2栀子水提液中栀子苷含量的测定 9
2.5.3栀子水提液中多糖含量的测定 9
2.5.4栀子水提液中蛋白质的含量测定 10
2.5.5栀子水提液中果胶的含量测定 10
第三章 结果与讨论 12
3.1 栀子水提液组分分析 12
3.1.1各组分的标准曲线以及回归方程 12
3.1.2栀子水提液各组分含量分析 14
3.2 陶瓷膜分离条件的确定 15
3.2.1 不同孔径陶瓷膜水通量的测定 15
3.2.2 陶瓷膜孔径的确定 16
3.2.3操作压力的确定 18
3.2.4 膜面流速的确定 19
3.2.5 膜的清洗 20
第四章 结论与展望 21
4.1 结论 21
4.2 展望 21
参考文献 22
致谢 24
第一章 文献综述
1.1 栀子概述