2022-01-29 18:53:45
摘 要
Production Line Design of 1000 Red honey pomelo Juice
Fruit juice beverage is a kind of very healthy food.The main material is fruit.Throught physical working, such as press,centrifugal,filter, then get a piece of liquid, and making with food additives and water. Long long ago,fruit juice beverage is loved by everyone. Because this beverage is able to provide nutrition and function, in accordance with admissive healthy thinking by people today.
Chinese fruit juice beverage beginning is late, in 2002 china has some products, for example fruit juice of Wa Haha and C of everyday, but Chinese fruit juice beverage speed of development is rapidly, every kind of fruit juice beverage is appearing, and market share of fruit juice beverage is rising every year.
This topic is production line designning of red honey pomelo beverage that is producted 1000 tons a year. Red honey pomelo beverage is made by pomelo and food additives. This design according to market situation of Chinese fruit juice beverage at present, in the light of principle of food factory design, comprehensive using new technology, new equipment, cost saving, increase of efficiency, try my best to design a production line which provide benefit to factory. This design including choice of site of factory, choice of technology, material balance calculation, choice of mixed ingredients, balance of water and electricity, arrangement of workshop and so on.
Key Words: red honey pomelo juice, production line, design, technology.
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 前言 1
1.1 软饮料的概念 1
1.2 果汁饮料行业特性分析 1
1.3 中国果汁饮料的发展历史 1
1.4 中国果汁饮料发展现状 2
1.5 中国果汁饮料的发展优势 2
1.6 红心蜜柚的营养价值 3
1.7 设计范围 3
1.8 设计依据 3
第二章 生产工艺设计 4
2.1 工艺流程的选择 4
2.2 原材料的选择 4
2.3 工艺要点 4
2.3.1 生产过程要点 4
2.3.2水处理工艺要点和标准 6
2.3.3糖浆生产工艺要点 6
2.3.4罐装工艺要点 7
第三章 产品配方及标准 8
3.1 产品配方的选择 8
3.2 产品标准 8
第四章 物料衡算 9
4.1 产品配方 9
4.2 班产量确定 9
4.3 原辅料计算 9
4.3.1 原料用量 9
4.3.2 辅料用量 10
4.4 包装材料用量衡算 11
第五章 厂址选择 12
5.1一般原则 12
5.2建厂地区考察因素 12
5.3厂房设计内容 13
第六章 设备选型 14
6.1 选择原则 14
6.2 主要设备选型及说明 14
第七章 水电气估算 17
7.1 用水量的估算 17
7.1.1 产品中用水量 17
7.1.2 生产过程中用水量 17
7.1.3 总用水量 17
7.2 用电量估算 18
7.3 用气量估算 18
第八章 管道选型 18
8.1 水处理的管道直径 19
8.2 糖浆管 19
8.3 物料管 19
第九章 辅助部门 20
9.1 办公室 20
9.2 更衣室 20
9.3 消毒室 20
9.4 配料间 20
9.5企业组织构架 20
结 语 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24
第一章 前言
1.1 软饮料的概念
所谓“软饮料” 在不同的地区是不一样的。在大陆,软饮料其实就是乙醇的含量低于百分之0.9。它的主要作用就是用来解渴,所以,不包含保健和治疗作用的制品。