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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品科学与工程 > 正文


 2022-01-12 21:44:03  


摘 要





At present, the beverage industry is facing a new situation, the traditional beverage product market tends to saturation, growth slows down, and consumer consumption behavior is constantly changing. But at the same time, the country is also strongly supporting the development of healthy industries, the beverage industry will only explode new vitality if drinks and corresponding nutrients are more effective, more organically integrated and more nutrients are available. Last August, a meeting of the Council of China's Beverage Industry Association held in Hangzhou put forward a new concept for the development of the beverage industry, that is, beverages should become a good carrier of nutrients. The Conference provides new ideas for the continued development and transformation and upgrading of beverage products,

This topic is an annual output of 5000 tons of Paper Mulberry juice beverage production line design. Paper Mulberry is rich in resources, mostly wild Paper Mulberry, its fruit is rich in human health beneficial biological active substances, not only has antioxidant ability, fitness, beauty role, but also can relieve fatigue, improve human immunity and other functions, is a very valuable development of the fruit. Especially in the beverage aspect, if it is processed into a juice beverage, in the case of maintaining its original nutrition, it will be a natural health drink, there is no need to add nutritional fortifier, the prospect is huge. Paper Mulberry Juice Beverage is the Paper Mulberry juice as the main raw material, supplemented by the corresponding food additives, and in the maintenance of its nutritional components under the conditions of the production of health-care beverages. According to the situation of Chinese beverage market, the current situation of Paper Mulberry and the principles of food factory design, using the new process equipment to design a reasonable Paper Mulberry juice beverage production line.

Key words: Beverage, nutrition, Paper Mulberry juice, design, production line


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 前言 1

1.1 饮料 1

1.2 果汁饮料 1

1.3 果汁饮料发展变化 1

1.4 褚桃汁的营养价值及开发价值 2

1.5 设计范围 2

1.6 设计依据 2

第二章 生产工艺设计 3

2.1 工艺流程 3

2.2 工艺要点 3

2.2.1 原料选择 3

2.2.2 果实清洗 3

2.2.3 磨碎、打浆 3

2.2.4初虑以及精虑 3

2.2.5 脱胶 3

2.2.6 巴氏杀菌 4

2.2.7 浓缩\罐装 4

2.2.8 调和、均质 4

2.2.9 脱气 4

2.2.10 瞬间杀菌 4

2.3 水处理工艺要点和标准 4

2.3.1 软饮料的用水标准 4

2.3.2 过滤 4

2.3.3 离子交换 4

2.3.4 高温杀菌 5

2.4 糖浆生产工艺要点 5

2.4.1 糖的溶解 5

2.4.2 糖液过滤 5

2.5 罐装工艺要点 5

第三章 配方和标准 6

3.1 产品配方 6

3.2 产品标准 6

3.2.1 感官标准 6

3.2.2 理化指标 6

3.2.3 微生物指标 7

第四章 物料衡算 8

4.1 产品配方 8

4.2 班产量 8

4.3 原辅料班用量计算 8

4.3.1 原料计算 8

4.3.2 辅料计算 9

4.4 包装材料计算 10

第五章 厂址选择和工厂设计内容 11

5.1 基本要求 11

5.2 建厂前需要勘察的内容 11

5.3 工厂设计内容 11

第六章 设备的选择 12

6.1 设备选型的重要性 12

6.2 设备选择的原则 12

6.3 生产设备的选型 12

6.3 水处理设备 15

6.4糖工艺设备 16

6.5 瓶工艺设备 17

6.7 设备一览表 17

第七章 管道选型 19

7.1 管道的重要性 19

7.2 水管选型 19

7.3 糖浆管 19

7.4 果实原汁管 20

7.5 浓缩果汁管 20

7.6 物料管 20

第八章 水电估算 21

8.1 用水量的估算 21

8.1.1产品用水量 21

8.1.2生产过程用水量 21

8.1.3总共用水量 21

8.2 用电估算 21

第九章 辅助部门 22

9.1 办公室 22

9.2 更衣室 22

9.3 消毒室 22

9.4 配料间 22

9.5 冷藏库 23

9.6 食堂 23

9.7工厂组织构架 23

结语 24

参考文献 25

致谢 26

第一章 前言

1.1 饮料


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