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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 食品科学与工程 > 正文


 2021-12-15 23:01:02  


摘 要


固相微萃取-气相色谱质谱仪联用检测方法已广泛应用于新鲜水果、蔬菜、果蔬浓缩汁等食品挥发芳香物的分析检测。黑莓浓缩汁中挥发性芳香物含量低、组分复杂,并且萃取头检测灵敏度差异大,比较不同极性萃取头(65μm PDMS、75μm CAR/PDMS、100μm PDMS)检测出的芳香物种类和含量以此确定最适萃取头,再结合PCA法分析不同萃取头与黑莓汁特征芳香物的相关性。结果表明,三种不同性质的萃取头共检测鉴定出83种黑莓挥发性芳香物,主要为醇类、酯类和醛类。其中100μm PDMS萃取头检测出51种挥发性芳香物,种类最多且最稳定。


Analysis of volatile aromatic compounds in concentrated blackberry juice by SPME-GC-MS


The concentrated blackberry juice has rich nutritional value and high medicinal value. With a mellow flavor and unique taste, it is deeply loved by consumers and has a huge global market share. The quality of aroma in blackberry juice concentrate is one of the key indexes to judge and evaluate blackberry juice concentrate. The traditional blackberry juice concentrate production process includes the processes of juice extraction, clarification, concentration, sterilization, etc. The hot processing (concentration, sterilization) will result in the loss of a large number of volatile fragrances of blackberry, thus affecting the flavor quality of the product. Therefore, before further study on the flavor restoration technology of blackberry concentrate juice, the types and relative contents of aroma compounds in blackberry juice were accurately detected by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS), which laid a foundation for the efficient separation and enrichment technology of volatile aroma compounds in blackberry concentrate juice.

The combined detection method of solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry has been widely used in the analysis and detection of volatile aromatic compounds in fresh fruits, vegetables, fruit and vegetable concentrate. Blackberry juice concentrate in the low content of volatile aromatic substance, composition is complex, and extraction of large difference of the detection sensitivity, compare different polar extraction head (65 microns PDMS, 100 mu, 75 mu m CAR/PDMS m PDMS) to detect the content of aromatic species and to determine the optimum extraction, combined with PCA method to analysis the different head and blackberry juice extracted feature correlation of aromatic substance. The results showed that a total of 83 volatile aromatic compounds were identified by three different extraction heads, mainly alcohols, esters and aldehydes. Among them, 100 livm PDMS extractors detected 51 volatile aromatics, with the most variety and the most stable.

Keywords: Blackberry juice concentrate; volatile aromatics; extraction head; SPME-GC-MS

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 黑莓简介 1

1.2 固相微萃取 2

1.3 不同极性萃取头 3

1.3.1 65μm PDMS/DVB 4

1.3.2 75μm CAR/PDMS 4

1.3.3 100μm PDMS 4

1.4 主成分分析法(PCA) 4

1.4.1 主成分分析方法的基本含义 4

1.4.2 主成分分析方法的基本理论 4

1.5 本文研究的目的、意义和主要内容 5

1.5.1 研究目的和意义 5

1.5.2 主要研究内容 5

第二章 实验装置及实验方法 7

2.1材料与试剂 7

2.2 仪器与设备 7

2.3 分析测定方法 7

2.3.1 黑莓挥发性芳香物成分的SPME萃取 7

2.3.2 GC-MS 条件 7

2.3.3 定性定量方法 8

2.3.4 统计分析方法 8

第三章 结果及讨论分析 9

3.1黑莓汁挥发性物质分析(HS-SPME-GC-MS) 9

3.2 不同萃取头萃取挥发性物质数量与种类比较 14

3.3黑莓汁特征风味物质分析 15

3.3.1醇类化合物 15

3.3.2酮类化合物 16

3.3.3酯类化合物 16

3.3.4醛类化合物 16

3.3.5酸类化合物 16

3.3.6烃类化合物 17

3.4 挥发性芳香物的主成分分析 17

第四章 总结与展望 21

4.1 总结 21

4.2 展望 21

参考文献 23

致 谢 26

第一章 绪论

1.1 黑莓简介

黑莓(Blackberry)是蔷薇科(Rasaceae)悬钩子属(Rubus. sp),也称露莓,原产地北美洲,被FAO认定为最新一代特种水果。同时,在欧美国家也享有“紫色生命果”的美誉,是全球广泛栽培的四大小果类果树之一[1]。黑莓果实柔软多汁、色泽艳丽、风味醇美。鲜果可速冻或制成果汁、饮料、果酱、糖水罐头、果酒等产品。



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