2020-06-29 20:22:45
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
(1)茉莉酸对三氯生对于莱茵衣藻毒性的影响机理 A.生长情况 B.解毒酶活力及基因表达量 (2)茉莉酸对莱茵衣藻进行三氯生代谢的调控机理 A.体内三氯生积累量 B.体内三氯生代谢产物种类和浓度
2. 参考文献
[1]Chen, Zhi-Feng, et al. Triclosan as a surrogate for household biocides: an investigation into biocides in aquatic environments of a highly urbanized region. water research 58 (2014): 269-279. [2]Zhang S ,Qiu C B ,Zhou Y . Bioaccumulation and degradation of pesticide fluroxypyr are associated with toxic tolerance in green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii [J].Ecotoxicology,2011,20:337-347.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
1. 2018.12-2018.4:完成开题报告、文献翻译及实验 2. 2018.4-2018.5:完成毕业论文