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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 化学化工与生命科学类 > 生物工程 > 正文


 2020-05-17 21:22:54  

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2. 参考文献

[1] 曹冬梅,超声波原油破乳脱水实验研究#8212;#8212;《内蒙古石油化工》2015第一期33-34页 共2页. [2]张鹏,超声波对西峰油田原油破乳脱水的实验研究-《辽宁化工》2011,40(10):1026-1028. [3]刘月,赵德智, 大榭老化原油脱水工艺实验研究#8212;#8212;《应用化工》,2015(7):1261-1264. [4]张小庆,王枫,匡民明,超声波辅助破乳法回收石油罐底油泥中的原油#8212;#8212;《化工环保》,2015,35(4):399-403 [5] 彭飞,聚驱采出液超声波破乳脱水技术研究#8212;#8212;《石油石化节能》,2014(4):9-10 [6] J. Ramalho, F.C. Lechuga, E.F. Lucas, Effect of the structure of commercial poly(ethylene oxide-B-propylene oxide) demulsifier bases on the demulsifcation of water-in-crude oil emulsions: elucidation of the demulsification mechanism, Quim. Nova 33 (2010) 1664#8211;1670. [7] J.S. Eow, M. Ghadiri, Electrostatic enhancement of coalescence of water droplets in oil: a review of the technology, Chem. Eng. J. 85 (2002) 357#8211;368. [8] Z.S. Bai, H.L. Wang, Crude oil desalting using hydrocyclones, Chem. Eng. Res.Des. 85 (2007) 1586#8211;1590. [9] L.O. Diehl, D.P. Moraes, F.G. Antes, J.S.F. Pereira, M.d.F.P. Santos, R.C.L.Guimaraes, J.N.G. Paniz, E.M.M. Flores, Separation of heavy crude oil emulsions using microwave radiation for further crude oil analysis, Sep. Sci.Technol. 46 (2011) 1358#8211;1364. [10] E.M.M. Flores, J.S.F. Pereira, F.G. Antes, D.P. Moraes, L.O. Diehl, J.N.G. Paniz, V.L.Dressler, M.F.P. Santos, R.C.L. Guimaraes, PETR 26-Demulsification of heavycrude oils for salt extraction using closed vessels microwave heating and further chlorine determination by ion selective electrode or titration, Abstr.Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 237 (2009). [11] L. Xia, K. Gong, S. Wang, J. Li, D. Yang, Microwave-assisted chemical demulsification of water-in-crude-oil emulsions, J. Dispersion Sci. Technol.31 (2010) 1574#8211;1578. [12] D.P. Moraes, F.G. Antes, J.S.F. Pereira, M.D.P. dos Santos, R.C.L. Guimaraes, J.S.Barin, M.F. Mesko, J.N.G. Paniz, E.M.M. Flores, Microwave-assisted procedure for salinity evaluation of heavy crude oil emulsions, Energy Fuel 24 (2010)2227#8211;2232. [13] G.X. Ye, X.P. Lu, P.F. Han, X. Shen, Desalting and dewatering of crude oil in ultrasonic standing wave field, J. Petrol. Sci. Eng. 70 (2010) 135#8211;139. [14] R.J. Schoeppel, A.W. Howard, Effect of ultrasonic irradiation on coalescence and separation of crude oil#8211;water emulsions, J. Petrol. Technol. 18 (1966) 1099#8211;1105. [15] K.S. Suslick, G.J. Price, Applications of ultrasound to materials chemistry, Annu.Rev. Mater. Sci. 29 (1999) 295#8211;326 [16]K. Kumar, A.D. Nikolov, D.T. Wasan, Mechanisms of stabilization of water-in-crude oil emulsions, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 40 (2001) 3009#8211;3014 [17]J.D. McLean, P.K. Kilpatrick, Effects of asphaltene solvency on stability of water-in-crude-oil emulsions, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 189 (1997) 242#8211;253. [18]J. Wu, Y. Xu, T. Dabros, H. Hamza, Effect of demulsifier properties on destabilization of water-in-oil emulsion, Energy Fuel 17 (2003) 1554#8211;1559.

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